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Two men, one closed off and dying from cancer, the other a rebel and risk taker, take a road trip to deliver a classic custom car and discover a shocking truth about each other.
This heartwarming story follows the journey of two men. JOHN VIDANUEVA closed off and dying from cancer. RICK GARCIA, rebel, and risk-taker, on a road trip to deliver a classic custom Chevy Chevelle SS 454 LS6 and discover a shocking truth about each other on their crazy and life-changing adventure.
Once the men proceed on their adventure, SHARON DONALDSON, a seductive woman who is an intricate part of an elaborate drug-running organization, steals the car to disassemble it for key components it carries for a mobile methamphetamine lab.
The two men fight and split up to achieve their own private goals.
John must find a relative matching his DNA to obtain a bone marrow transplant to save his life.
Rick desperately tries to find the woman who stole his car, and he now realizes that she is the love of his life. He later finds Sharon on the roadside under the hood of the Chevelle. Rick confronts her, demanding she return it. The altercation catches the eye of a highway patrol officer.
Meanwhile, in another section of the desert, John passes out on the side of the road. He has a brief stint in the hospital and encounters a female doctor, JULIE KARLOCHI, who takes an interest in his life and health.
When the patrol officer questions Sharon's ownership of the car, she uses her seductive powers to fool him into thinking the vehicle is legally hers.
While getting to know each other, John, and Julie encounter Rick by the roadside after his useless efforts to recover the stolen classic car from Sharon.
After the duo reunites, they follow the car to Sharon's hideout. They stake out where the Chevy Chevelle sits but are located and approached by the DEA to work for them. "Reacquire the classic car and lead them to the leader of the methamphetamine mobile operation or be prosecuted for the transportation of an illegal substance across state lines." The DEA states and puts the sting operation into action.
During the undercover operation and the success of regaining the classic car, the head of the methamphetamine mobile operation takes John and Rick's female accomplices and holds them hostage.
Unknown to John and Rick, Sharon, the seductive car thief, is an undercover DEA agent who has been working the operation from the inside for several months. The deal is for the men to deliver the car in exchange for the women, but the leader of the methamphetamine mobile operation has other plans.
During the final encounter, John and Rick must overcome their differences and the fact that they just found out that they are brothers separated by the foster care system when they were younger.
When the chips are down, John and Rick work together to save the girls and regain the car they must deliver. Since the Chevelle was merely for transporting the lab components, John buys the Chevelle SS 454 from the DEA with the reward money for apprehending the leader of the methamphetamine mobile operation.
The two brothers end up helping each other. Rick helps with the bone marrow transplant for his brother and finds the love of his life, while John finds a new love and has fulfilled his dream of finding his long-lost brother.
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