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Pushing scientific frontiers, a Nazi scientist Inadvertently creates a weapon capable of warping Space/Time. Realizing this, he must sabotage the device before the Nazis can use it to obliterate the present in favor of a new timeline.
Thanks for the insight Brian. I reworked it and hopefully it tells more of the story.
Joe - this sounds really cool. I've seen a couple Discovery Channel-type documentaries that covered "Die Glocke", aka "the Bell", which sounds as if it might have inspired some of your thought process with this. All the still-existing info on the real-life Bell seems pretty sketchy (i.e., the Nazis probably destroyed a lot of it before the Allies could get their hands on it), and the anecdotes all sound almost comic book-y - except for the fact that this was a real project that the Nazis felt was practical enough that they were willing to devote increasingly scarce resources to it as the war went on. With all that in mind, it's perfect for a fictionalized treatment - given the huge gap in the info we really have on it, you can totally make its capabilities up yourself! I'm really interested to hear more about this project - best of luck on it.