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It follows the path of Bernard, an overly intellectual Eastern monk, whose flute, carved from the wood of the sacred Bila tree, is chosen by the indigenous spirit of the land to be a conduit for the power of Life. When Margaret, a frustrated housewife with murderous tendencies, steals the flute and abuses its power for her own ends, Bernard must find a way to stop her, but first he must find himself, which he does with the help of Merv, Margaret’s ex-husband turned Were-Kangaroo, and Robyn, a cynical ex-journalist. When the Owners of the owners of the land show up at the next full moon, will the heroes have achieved the task appointed to them, or will the Blue Mountains descend into darkness? This grant will allow the composer to research Dharug resources, create a score, libretto, workshop designs for stage, characters, special effects, explore puppetry, voices, history, legends. See for more info.