Cherie Marquez's Lounge Discussions

Cherie Marquez
The Industry

We have a few questions lingering in our minds that we'd appreciate feedback on so that we can develop the Industry Program. Your opinions matter to us. ALSO Visit us online at and another post will come when we launch...

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Gary Craig
Making people laugh

Some of you might be having a crummy day. Well, I've spent most of my career making people laugh having released 6 comedy albums of Phoney Phone Crank Calls. Here's a cut from one of them, in case you need a lift. Listen to how uncomfortable I make this manager at The Olive Garden. That's the key, I...

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Gary Craig

Bruce, some years ago when Liz Taylor was in the hospital, I called as President Bill Clinton, and they put me through to her. Boy did I get reamed for that one! National enquirer did a story on it, and I had national magazine shows knocking on my door for a comment!

Gary Craig

No Bruce, I just wanted to make her feel better cause I knew the REAL Clinton probably wouldn't have called.

Gary Craig

hahaha. One of these days, I'll dig up that call I made to Liz and post it here for yous people to laugh

Bob Galinsky

Gary,Do you really think that the real Bill would have passed up a chance of a liason with Liz, whatever her age? He probably just didn't think of it!!!

Jack Phillips

LOL!! I love the yiddish accent!!! So NYC!!!

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