And it's a big one for me. Legendary requested the script for my one-hour pilot. I hit a dry spell at the end of December but this makes for a happy new year! Thank you Joey for your support and helping me stay positive.
And it's a big one for me. Legendary requested the script for my one-hour pilot. I hit a dry spell at the end of December but this makes for a happy new year! Thank you Joey for your support and helping me stay positive.
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Splendid news and a great way to start the new year. Congratulations!
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That is wonderful news Eric! Congratulations!
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Have any of you guys actually had your scripts READ after it being requested. I've spent tons of money and had LOADS of requests, but have not heard back from a single one...since August.
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Among the numerous requests I got since April (15) , six came back with a pass. But it takes some time before you hear from them. I guess patience must be one of our first qualities.
Great news