Larry DeGala's Reel

Killers at Play Sweden.mp4

Amazing news! "Killers at Play" was just selected by Swedish International Film Festival via! - A home-town hero returns from Afghanistan only to be framed for her fiancé's murder and runs from the law to seek out the real killer. #WomenLeadsInCinema #SlasherThriller #WriterProducerDirector #GoIndieGo

Elvenheim 2 Screenplay Makes Official Selection in Switzerland

Amazing news! The Ever After was just selected by Euro Film Festival Geneva via! #InternationalScreenplayCompetition #OfficialSelection #ChocolatesCheeseClocksCurrencyCINEMA #PeckinpahBandOfMagicalHeroines #ElevatedGenre #FemaleDrivenThriller #DarkFantasy #ScrewBallDialogue #OddBallCharacters #SwissPerfection

Double-Win Weekend ver.2.0

Version 2 of the Double-Win Weekend (July 31 - August 1). Enjoy! #Hollywood #DizzyEmuPublishing #AllGenreScreenplayContest #DoCatsAndDogsGoToMars #AnimalAstronautsInLove #AvailableOnKindleAndPaperback

Vampire Games Makes Official Selection in Slovakia

Amazing news! Vampire Games was just selected by Horror Film Awards via! -- Thank you, Rožňava, for the honor and esteemed recognition. #VampireGirlsJustWannaHaveFun #Slovakia #FourUnfortunateMortals #ThirteenthAnnualRenfieldGames #OfficialSelection #HorrorFilmAwards #Rožňava

Elvenheim 3 Screenplay Wins Europa Prize

Dark fantasy feature screenplay "Ballad of the Blood Moon Queen" wins Best Unproduced Screenplay at the L.A. Sci-Fi & Horror Film Festival. #ElvesVersusOgresOneLastTime #LordOfTheRingsMeetsLordOfTheFlies #PswordsPsorceryPsychopaths #MightMagicMachineguns #ElvenheimTrilogy

Elvenheim 2 Makes Official Selection at the 2021 Macoproject Film…

The feature screenplay "The Ever After" was selected by the Macoproject Film Festival in New York City, via! #OfficialSelection #DarkFantasy #ElevatedGenre #PeckinpahBandOfMagicalHeroines #PswordsPsorceryPsychopaths #AdultPlusPlus #WomenLeadsInCinema #ElvenheimTrilogy

"All My Shades of Blue" Wins Best Dark Drama Feature Screenplay

Emerging from the Finalist Round, the dark Sci-Fi feature screenplay "All My Shades of Blue" wins Best Dark Drama Feature Screenplay at the 2021 Summer editi...

"Ballad of the Blood Moon Queen" Screenplay Makes Official…

EuropaAward #OfficialSelection #YoungAdultPlusPlus #PeckinpahBandOfMagicalHeroines #VileWonderland #OddBallCharacters #ScrewBallDialogue #DarkFantasy
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