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Year's Eve is a short film about Katie, a single girl in her mid-twenties who unknowingly finds herself in a love triangle who continuously relives the last three hours of New Year's Eve. Both of her relationships have built up to this single precipice moment at the New Year's Eve party of a mutual friend. Katie has to choose to be with Trent or Chris. Trent is the one that she has always been waiting for but already belonged to someone else. While, Chris is a guy who in all regards should be perfect for her. Upon meeting Gaby, a complete stranger, Katie is forced to reflect on the relationship with both guys and make the right decision to finally be happy.
*this is a small excerpt of the script. It's page 9 of 29. INT. MAX’S HOUSE - NIGHT 11:45 Elegant cocktail party with waiters in white coats passing out champagne and covered in white sparkely lights. KATIE Wow Max went all out for tonight. ALI I know this place looks amazing! KATIE No way... Katie spots Trent and Sarah at the party. Sarah is dancing spastically because the Pick up line is playing by Pullman Standard which is Trent’s band. Sarah has a huge smile on her face and is obviously a bit to drunk and is enthusiastically serenading Trent. He is smiling. KATIE (CONT’D) I think that’s his girlfriend. ALI I cant believe they showed up here. Together. I’m really surprised. KATIE I’m not. We were bound to see her eventually. I just kind of wish we weren’t right now. Katie becomes quiet and Ali notices the change in her mood. She spots a waiter carrying champagne and grabs two glasses off of his tray. ALI Katie you know you... KATIE I know. No, umm... I’m good... I’m fine. Katie glances back in the direction of Trent and Sarah. Trent catches Katie’s glance. He stares back at her then turns away. Ali grabs Katie’s hand and begins to lead her away. ALI Why don’t we go find Max? So we can tell him how great his house and party looks. KATIE Ya, No umm... you go on with out me. I’ll catch up in a second. I just want to go outsi... Maybe just get some air. Ali hesitates but then gives in. ALI Okay just hurry because its almost midnight. KATIE I know. I’ll be fine. I promise. Ali hesitates but the walks off into the crowd. Katie walks towards the window and looks out at the night sky and takes a deep breath. Once she gains her composure. She hears her name being called. Everything begins to move in slow motion. She spots Ali motioning for her to come to her. She sees Sarah leaning in to kiss Trent and the crowd starts counting down. 3..2...1.. People are cheering, and kissing. As the crowd yells 1. Katie locks eyes with Gaby and as the clock is about to hit midnight. Gaby raises her champagne glass towards Katie and says something that Katie can’t hear or understand. In the background you can see Chris watching Katie. The clock hits midnight. CUT TO: INT. APARTMENT - NIGHT 9 PM NEW YEARS EVE 2 Katie is holding an eye pencil to her eye. She flinches. She realizes her makeup is only half done and she seems a little disoriented. She heres a knock and then her name called ALI (O.S.) Katie.... Katie. Whatcha doing? Ali pops her head in the bathroom. ALI (CONT’D) Ooo, you are still putting on your make up. I thought you would of been done by now and yelling at me. I can’t believe I beat you. Ta Da Ali does a little twirl to emphasize that she is ready on time and that she has come bearing gifts. She hands Katie a champagne glass. KATIE I just had the weirdest day dream but it was more like a dream... it just felt so real. ALI Okay. Well I’ll let you finish getting ready. You better hurry up because if you don’t. Don’t begin to think I won’t leave with out you.. KATIE Ya. Okay. Wait what?! ALI Just kidding. Smile. It’s new years eve. Tonight is going to be fun! KATIE Okay.. Ya,fun... Ali and Katie head out the door.