Marcello Mazzilli's Lounge Discussions

Marcello Mazzilli
Filmaker, producer, director, editor, colorist.. and more

44yo, half Italian and half British. I am in this business since 1994... that's almost 25 years. I've done it all. Started with weddings, moved to corporate, then three years on national tv, then back to corporate with my own company and now I work freelance. I started as a video maker for weddings,...

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Marcello Mazzilli
COPYRIGHT issue. Sony movie recalls my WGA deposited 4 year old idea. Should I procede legally?

Hi, I am looking for some help in deciding what to do. In Sep 2012 I registered at WGA an idea for a movie (3-4 pages long), NOT based on real events. I then participated with the same idea to a well known US idea/script competition. I didn't win but now, 4 years later, a Sony-Columbia movie has exa...

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Jimmy France

Steven probably has the best advice. Life is too short, just move on.

David Taylor

You can't patent just an needs to have function. It needs to be 'novel'. (Yes - I do have one. And yes they are very difficult to get). Back on thread...move on dude.

Christie "C.Mikki" Dawson

Yeah, sorry friend..I agree with everyone else, you need more than just a few lines of an idea to go after a heavy weight. Now if you had a script, had talked to executives, meetings, etc...then you m...

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Rod Veal

You can't copyright an idea anyway so I don't think you'd have much success suing a giant like Sony-Columbia. Goodluck.

Kiril Maksimoski

I do this in the summer of 2020

Mel Gibson does this in late 2022

So, I sue mu...

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Marcello Mazzilli
I'd love to work in USA

Hi, my name is Marcello, I am half British and half Italian. I am a producer and director but working often on smaller budget projects makes me often a videomaker. I write, plan, light, shoot, edit, grade. I currently live in Rome, ITALY. I will be in USA next week for business (NY and Washington D....

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Max Harris

Marcello, living in the US is overrated unless you come from a much worse place. However, working in the US is more satisfying, especially than Italy, as you are rewarded for performance, not who your relatives are.

Marcello Mazzilli

That's the point Max... At this stage of my life work is the main thing.. I am 42 and I am really fed up of how it works here in Italy... Italy is nice to live in as a tourist... is not job friendly at all

Max Harris

Marcello, my son Alex is 33 and has lived in Milan for 11 years trying to be a composer but living teaching English. He is moving to LA in October to try it there. The field is crowded everywhere.

Marcello Mazzilli

I believe so. I am a director.. I've done TV ads, live events, etc... But I'll be quite happy to wark as an editor.. maybe doing weddings or so.. something just normal. In US a person can do a normal...

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Marcello Mazzilli
Got a GREAT IDEA for a movie but...

Ok.. I have a GREAT GREAT GREAT IDEA for a movie... Nobody has done this before.. not this way. It will change the way people see movies ! It doesn't cost much (obviously.. it can be done with famous actors and special effects.. but it can also be done in a simpler way). It will only work if I find...

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Dave McCrea

If your idea is really special, your first step would be to hire a writer and get him to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement. That way you could have a full script with only you and the writer knowing abo...

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Marcello Mazzilli

Hei.... 50% just for writing ? Seems to much to me! :) By the way... idea is registered at WGA

Marcello Mazzilli

I registered 5 pages of plot... a pre-script

Marcello Mazzilli

Well... I'm not a farmer or a butcher.. I do video for living :) I know "something" about it

Marcello Mazzilli
Hi, this is Marcello from Como, ITALY... seeking an international challenge

Hi... please give a look at my showreel and let me know what you think. Under the video you'll see text showing WHAT I did for that specific project... Sometimes I was just producer or director.. other times, as a videographer, I did almost all. Feel free to contact me-- I'm always interested in new...

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Amanda Toney

Welcome to Stage 32, Marcello!

Helen Downs

Nice reel Marcello! I wish you well.

Marcello Mazzilli

Thanks Helen !

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