Justin Groom's Lounge Discussions

Dana Moe
More than one director? Does this ever happen?

Does it ever happen that a film has two directors? I don't mean like with Gone with the Wind, where directors quit or were fired and had to be replaced. I mean two simultaneous directors that complement one another in terms of strengths. Please submit your two cents!

D Marcus

The First AD isn't the directing partner who folds. The two jobs are very, very different. There are many director teams; Gene Kelly and Stanley Donan, Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris, Jason Friedbe...

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Marc Durso

Coen Bros?

Rayvyn Knight

My wife and I are co-directing our film, 'Flowers in the Snow-Don't Ever Tell', a film about bullying. Though we seldom agree totally on shots, we work very well together each of us listening to the others ideas.

Valerie Michele Oliver

Sure it happens. After a year of searching by the writer/director, I was invited to co-direct a feature film by him. He is committed to having a female co-direct. He's also acting in the film, so we h...

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Frank Farel

Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger. And at the other end of the spectrum: http://thedissolve.com/features/oral-history/788-the-strange-saga-of-spo......

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