Does it ever happen that a film has two directors? I don't mean like with Gone with the Wind, where directors quit or were fired and had to be replaced. I mean two simultaneous directors that complement one another in terms of strengths. Please submit your two cents!
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The First AD isn't the directing partner who folds. The two jobs are very, very different. There are many director teams; Gene Kelly and Stanley Donan, Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris, Jason Friedbe...
Expand commentThe First AD isn't the directing partner who folds. The two jobs are very, very different. There are many director teams; Gene Kelly and Stanley Donan, Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris, Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer, Phil Lord and Chris Miller, Jon Hurwitz and Hayden Schlossberg, Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor, Glenn Ficarra and John Requa, Josh Gordon and Will Speck. Then there are the siblings: the Wachowski's, the Coens, the Weitz's, the Russo's, the Farrelly's, The Brothers Strause, the Dardenne's, the Duplass', the Hughes'.
Coen Bros?
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My wife and I are co-directing our film, 'Flowers in the Snow-Don't Ever Tell', a film about bullying. Though we seldom agree totally on shots, we work very well together each of us listening to the others ideas.
Sure it happens. After a year of searching by the writer/director, I was invited to co-direct a feature film by him. He is committed to having a female co-direct. He's also acting in the film, so we h...
Expand commentSure it happens. After a year of searching by the writer/director, I was invited to co-direct a feature film by him. He is committed to having a female co-direct. He's also acting in the film, so we have discussed my directing the scenes in which he is acting. He selected me after I provided notes on the script and discovered how aligned we are based on my notes and ideas. Here's a great link to an article about projects with two directors:,,313591,00.html.
Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger. And at the other end of the spectrum:
Expand commentMichael Powell and Emeric Pressburger. And at the other end of the spectrum: