Hello Nora, please check out my new monologue book on amazon: http://www.amazon.com/101-Monologues-Dramatic-Adults-Only/dp/1532705123?... Have a great day, and break a leg!...
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Hello Nora, please check out my new monologue book on amazon: http://www.amazon.com/101-Monologues-Dramatic-Adults-Only/dp/1532705123?... Have a great day, and break a leg!...
Expand postHello Nora, please check out my new monologue book on amazon: http://www.amazon.com/101-Monologues-Dramatic-Adults-Only/dp/1532705123?... Have a great day, and break a leg!
Nora, thank you very much for the connection; have a great week and please check out my latest short film and share if you'd like: http://youtu.be/qBL_3IcAdMY,
Hi Nora, thanks for connecting!
Hi Nora, I attended the American Academy in New York. For me, the city is reality. I learned to speak New York from a brilliant mime teacher at the Academy, Paul Curtis, who was big on vulnerability. His favorite phrase went like this: "Wassamata, Bunkie, yah gowt a glayass ayass? Y'afraid yore ayass is gonna fawl awff?"
Nora, it's always great to meet a fellow New Yorker!!!
Hello Nora, Stay warm girlfriend. Sorry, I'm in shorts. Let's chat sometime.
GREAT picture full of energy. Love it. Please look at my website and read a chapter of my book, How to Make Your Audience Fall in Love With you. It is in all the stores and online and recommended by the head of HBO casting and Harvard etc. Hope you are a gorgeous actor who also reads!
Thank you for adding me to your network. Could you do me a favor and like the Facebook page for a movie we've completed? Would greatly appreciate it! https://www.facebook.com/InternalBehaviors2
Nice photos!
Thank you:)
Auditions are set for this Friday for my new feature film "Frank Flutie". I'm looking for my female lead. A sexy flower who has not let herself bloom yet, she's obviously attractive, but she is conservative and only shows hints of her bubbling sexuality - conscious about her future and what she want...
Expand postAuditions are set for this Friday for my new feature film "Frank Flutie". I'm looking for my female lead. A sexy flower who has not let herself bloom yet, she's obviously attractive, but she is conservative and only shows hints of her bubbling sexuality - conscious about her future and what she wants, but she is smitten by Frank's overt vitality and intelligence. Help me push this into production by donating here. It all adds up and I appreciate it. Let me know if you are interested in reading the script - www.rally.org/frankflutie
Hi Josh, Do you have an extra time slot for me to audition for the role? Thank you. Nora
Nora - send me an email to read the script - mitchmitchell24@hotmail.com
Josh - you should post your job in the JOBS section - you'll get a better response.
also... ...here is a special Update site for my work... http://www.Sirtony.info
Also ...Nora ...go to my special pioneer site 3 Day Demo to help Actors...let me know if you have a reel and send me the link...would like to see your work...have a great journey .... and if you have any questions just ask...Blessings http://www.3DayDemo.com...
Expand postAlso ...Nora ...go to my special pioneer site 3 Day Demo to help Actors...let me know if you have a reel and send me the link...would like to see your work...have a great journey .... and if you have any questions just ask...Blessings http://www.3DayDemo.com
...and here is my new film FORGOTTEN HEROES now in development http://youtu.be/whlkEqAIM0c Blessings always
...Also here is a special update for everyone...I am creating a NEW REALITY SHOW...here is the UPDATE...enjoy 'BEAT THE ODDS'.... with BOB HOLMES... have a great Journey... http://vimeo.com/104172190
...and here is some inspiration ...my song CHILDREN OF THE WORLD...will be in the EKO INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL in NIGERIA AFRICA..in November...so have a great Journey...AMEN http://youtu.be/q0h6fu4xMVw
Blessings Nora Goldbach...from me and my wife Lani for the NETWORK Request...here is my newest film from my Award Winning Film Series... 'THE RIVER OF LIFE' ....about All-American Champion STEVE JENNINGS http://youtu.be/6T1ZRLS0HMo Hope it inspires you and ignites passion in your life... look forwar...
Expand postBlessings Nora Goldbach...from me and my wife Lani for the NETWORK Request...here is my newest film from my Award Winning Film Series... 'THE RIVER OF LIFE' ....about All-American Champion STEVE JENNINGS http://youtu.be/6T1ZRLS0HMo Hope it inspires you and ignites passion in your life... look forward to your Thoughts and Feelings about my film...Amen
Nora, it's great to connect with you.
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