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By Martin Reese

GENRE: Fantasy

On an Earth conquered by a magical realm, two brothers go on a quest to find their long lost father who disappeared searching for the key to freeing their world from the tyrannical extra-dimensional Overlord.


The Erth Chronicles posits what would happen if modern day Earth was conquered by invaders from a magical realm. A realm where dragon riders are its air force; rock-skinned soldiers that ride armor-plated ankylosaurs are its army; and its navy is made up of sea monsters.

Dark Fairies are the rulers and carry out the wishes of their master, the extra-dimensional Overlord. They conquer Earth and remake it into a new world called Erth. The new world is divided into four kingdoms where magic and remnants of old technology co-exist and the lands between them, called the Between-Lands, remain lawless and strange.

Aaron and his half-brother the half-fairie Otis will face a number of obstacles in their search for their father. They will make new friends and encounter formidable enemies. They will encounter many strange lands and peoples. Finding their father will not be the end, but only the beginning of their efforts to find a way to defeat the Overlord and free their world.

Tristan Hutchinson

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Tristan Hutchinson

just make sure you fix the typo in your title.

Martin Reese

Hi Tristan Hutchinson. That is the title. Earth is now called Erth.

Tristan Hutchinson

oh okay.

Maurice Vaughan

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Maurice Vaughan

Is there conflict between the brothers, Martin Reese?

Tasha Lewis

Martin Reese is Erth supposed to be Earth in the title?

Tasha Lewis

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Martin Reese

Yes Tasha Lewis. Earth has been renamed Erth by the conquerors.

Martin Reese

No Maurice Vaughan there is no real conflict between the brothers. They are both looking for their father.

Tasha Lewis

Sorry about that. When I review loglines, I wear my Professor hat; and when I switch from the creative side of my brain, I start grading for grammar.

Maurice Vaughan

Ok, Martin Reese. Cool. I can picture a lot of obstacles for the brothers.

J.B. Storey

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