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By Brian Couch

GENRE: Romance, Drama

"The Glitch"... when former teen flame, now a sensuous computer wiz, Marian Overstreet takes a contract to go back home to solve a mortgage conspiracy plaguing, old connections get hot with long married high school squeeze.  Robert, the married guy, is essential to solving the mortgage programming mess, but the left over fire of back seat fire fogs the road to unlocking the twisted system. Marian wants to bend the code back on itself to deliver the wrong wrong results an overweight radio preacher and his band of bullies were trying to grab in a subdivision makeover.


"THE GLITCH"by Brian Couch

registered: WGAw 264548

Representation: Walter Stasyshyn (416) 972-7649

- SYNOPSIS After her 10-year West Coast marriage collapsed, IT innovator Marian Overstreet

accepted a challenging business offer... in her home town.

One of the appealing perks of her new job is a first option on an exciting new

condominium development. She has a chance to be part owner and resident.

Her job requires her to integrate three major systems... one for her new employer, Angle

Steel Systems, another at the Real Real Mortgage Company, and the third at the bank

handling the financing for the package.

A few days into the job, Marian encounters athletic, energetic old flame Robert Hodge.

Long married with two kids, a wife, and a sizable mortgage, the old spark is a decent

flame following a spontaneous, casual evening. Virtually overnight, Marian and Robert grow closer than they ever were as teenagers.

When she begins to understand the flood of pressures being loaded on Robert and his

neighbors by a band of bullies and hot-rod jockies orchestrated by local television and

radio preacher Hap Fellgood, Marian turns code into action.

For Fellgood, the goal is to pressure current home-owners to leave so his group

can take possession and redevelop the area as a continuously recyclable subdivision of

town homes and condos... the same condos that are Marian's perk... the 3-Zs.

As she grows into her job, and in her relationship with Robert, Marian uncovers the key

to saving Robert's home from the combined strengths of high interest rates, job

pressures, overtime, not enough take-home, threats, bullies, and twisted religion.

Speeding toward an ultimate confrontation, Marian uses her IT skills to turn the system

on itself. Identifying an operational glitch in the controlling software, Marian turns the

desires of the developers into a giant win for Robert, his family, and their neighbors at

the expense of the bent developers and their high pressure tactics.


Tasha Lewis

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