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Set in the fervent world of All Star Cheerleading a disgraced former World Champion coach, Caroline Marshall, is coaxed back into the arena by her sister Melanie to be her business partner. When tragedy strikes Caroline is forced into taking the top job at Cheer Legacy; her sister's rival gym.
The young women of the world champion Cheer Legacy Lightning have a reputation to protect.
After back-to-back Worlds wins in front of 50,000 screaming fans and an audience of 2 million
on ESPN, the pressure is high to win again, but when their beloved coach Leslie Day collapses
at Nationals from an aneurism they are left grieving and without a coach. Wondering if this sport
that they’ve given up everything for is worth the price.
Enter Caroline Marshall, famed international coach, choreographer and co-founder of Cheer
Legacy. At least those were her credentials 10 years ago. Today, she is scraping by at a job she
hates after being pushed out of the industry by National Spirit Corp amidst a sex scandal and a penchant for tequila. Now sober, she’s trying to keep her head above water to set an example for her college-age son Jason, and steer clear of painful cheer memories.
It would be easier to avoid if her sister, Melanie Marshall, were not still running one of the top gyms in the world. Melanie's crowning glory, Royals Cheer Athletics boast 6 locations with over 10,000 athletes and rakes in $1Million per month in tuition fees. Mel also has a penchant for liquor, but does not discriminate on the flavor. She likes to win, but after 20 years, even the joy of that is fading. She wants to bring Caroline back to the sport so she can have a playmate, but she imagines they will coach together, and is stunned when Leslie dies and Legacy wants Caroline to replace her.
This is a story about transition. It’s about the tension between the moment we live in and the
fantasy we once had for it. Life rarely turns out as we imagined. For the Marshall sisters, their
power to create are equalled only by their power to destroy. Power that extends beyond
themselves, to their staff, their communities, and their cheerleaders. As leaders who train
leaders, will Caroline and Melanie be able to come to terms with their lost opportunities and
reignite their love for the sport that made them who they are? And, will Caroline be able to help
these young women, so vulnerable without their coach and mentor, to come to terms with their
individual grief and unlock their potential for greatness; or will her own vulnerabilities get in the
way of the team’s success? Even more than most, the precision sport of cheerleading doesn’t
have room for the individual greatness, only excellence in service to the team. It is a test of
letting go. Letting go of the past, of the future, of the ego, of those you love, and of those you
How can a group so united in their attachment to the past find bravery in unstability? Now that
they have a second chance to create a Legacy, this high achieving crew must discover thatsometimes you must let go of who you were to become who you were meant to be.