Lateef Belle's Lounge Discussions

Lisa Clemens
That first paycheck....

For those who did earn something (anything!) by screenwriting, what did you do with your first earnings? Most of mine went into the bank but I did treat myself to a MacBook and a Dyson vacuum I'd had my eye on! Oh and my husband wasn't sure what to think of my relatively new chosen career (I only st...

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Jason Lawson

Bought one very cool motorcycle

Jean-Pierre Chapoteau

I got $500 for a 5 page short. I have no idea what I spent it on though... Since I don't remember, it was probably nothing useful, lol.

Lateef Belle

loans :(

Kerry Douglas Dye

Paid for my wedding.

Stephen Sid Jardine


Jean-Pierre Chapoteau
Why did we like these protagonists?

So I'm working on my protag for my feature, and I want him to be an oddball that does whatever he has to do to reach his goal. But I don't want to go overboard because he still has to be likeable. But two protags come to mind where I can't find any redeeming qualities in them. Jake Gyllenhaal in Nig...

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Steven Fussell

Maybe for a truly despicable character you need a kill the cat moment. Show that the character has resolve and determination. In House of Cards, Frank Underwood almost literally kills the cat (puts an...

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Kerry Douglas Dye

I'd argue that your protagonist DOES have to be likable. It's probably just a question of the definition of "likable". Like Owen, I wouldn't invite Tony Montana to a barbecue, but I'd probably enjoy h...

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Pablo A. Rajczyk

Whenever someone says the protagonist has to be likable I think of two films: Requiem for a Dream and Glengarry Glen Ross. Both brilliant movies, neither with a likable character for miles. Granted, m...

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Mark LaFever

Jean-Pierre - I haven't seen NIGHTCRAWLER, but I have a few theories as to why people like Patrick Bateman in AMERICAN PSYCHO. For one, many of Bateman's impulses and attitudes are things we all feel....

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Trevor Murphy

An Anti-Hero can still be a true protagonist. You can "like" them by watching their downfall.

C.J Fischer
What's the best Screenwriting software to download?

Just looking for people's personal opinions and experiences. Whether it's free or paid for - tell me about it!

Trevor Murphy

I've only ever used Final Draft but I might check out Fade In based on this thread. FD is very easy to use and works quickly.

Stacy Gentile

I was using Final Draft up until a few days ago. For some reason it kept freezing and giving me non responsive errors taking up to 20 seconds to do a single letter. UGH. Switched over to Celtx as a qu...

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Martin Graham

I've been using Final Draft for about 6 years now and only had a few snags along the way. Mainly with the newest update. Like Stacy above me... I also had the freezing and closing down, which became f...

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Becca-Chris M

I like Celtx. And it's free.

Mike Stanford

Celtx is great I like the different project templates like Storyborading and Comic

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