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By Bill Kandiliotis

GENRE: Sci-fi, Horror

In a near-future world, the mass adoption of cybernetic implants raises frightening and lethal dilemmas for non-compliers.


In a world not too far ahead in time, society stands at a pivotal crossroads. The mass adoption of cybernetic implants, known as neural nets, has turned human life into a digital, interconnected experience. With these implants, humans can access information instantaneously, communicate telepathically, and even alter their own realities. However, this rapid advancement comes at a cost–not just in terms of privacy and identity but also in creating a significant divide between the "Augmented" and those who refuse to implant the technology, known as the "Analog."

As the government, backed by powerful tech conglomerates, pushes for mandatory neural implants for every citizen, the Analog find themselves on the fringe of society, defending their right to remain free of digital influence. Within this political and social turmoil, sinister forces emerge, conspiring to cement the complete control of humanity through the neural net.

In this climate, a diverse group of unlikely rebels, both Augmented and Analog, forms a ragtag resistance. Coming from diverse and opposing backgrounds, they each believe in the importance of preserving human autonomy, free will, and the fundamental right to choose whether to embrace the digital age. As they uncover the hidden agendas behind the government's push for universal neural implants, they realize the very essence of humanity is at stake.

This group of heroes, each with their own unique skills and motivations, takes on the formidable might of the pseudo-government and its insidious overlords. As the rebels work to expose the truth about the neural net, they face challenges of trust, identity, and the relentless march of technology. The story unfolds as they struggle to protect the freedom of choice, humanity's most cherished gift, and to unveil the sinister forces orchestrating the complete assimilation of humankind into the digital collective. The battle for the soul of humanity is on, and its outcome will define the course of this future world.

Tasha Lewis

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