C.J Fischer's Lounge Discussions

C.J Fischer
As a writer, should you ever be truly satisfied?

Personally, I believe that you should never be satisfied. Sure, you can be happy with the work that you produce if it's satisfactory to your own standards - but I feel as though you shouldn't be satisfied with it; if you wish to develop as a writer. The hunger to be better, and to produce better wor...

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Richard Allis

I don’t think you should ever stop looking for something else to learn. Some of the things you did learn in your latest script will not be in older scripts of yours of course, but that does not mean e...

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Cynthia Hochhalter

I look at both script and other writing much the same. One moment I'm as brilliant as the creme of the crop. The next, I'm thinking to myself 'wtf is this drek?' 'Was I high?'. I'm never satisfied and...

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Cynthia Hochhalter

Owen, you have no idea how great that is to read. I got a notion for a comedy, but then I thought I must be insane. I've never written comedy except for the occasional off-the-cuff remark that sounded like a good idea at the time. Maybe I should take a swing and see what happens.

Steven Fussell

I've only finished my first script, but I suspect at some stage you need to be happy with your screenplay as it is, and move on to another -- so you can hone your skill on a new script. Be satisfied with the result, but not complacent with your craft, perhaps?

LindaAnn Loschiavo

When I had a sit-down with MADONNA, I asked her what is the secret to your success. Madonna said: "STAYING HUNGRY."

What is the sound on the score

Can you guess which musical instrument is heard on the trailer of the new HBO show 'The Jinx', premiering Feb 8th (beside the piano)? http://youtu.be/gmRgIN0_CU8

C.J Fischer

I believe it could be a Theremin?

Natalia 'Saw Lady' Paruz

You have good ears, but almost right - it's a musical saw, the acoustic version of the theremin :) (I know because I'm the one who played it... This is me http://youtu.be/lPvTTc7jAVQ :)...

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C.J Fischer
What's the best Screenwriting software to download?

Just looking for people's personal opinions and experiences. Whether it's free or paid for - tell me about it!

Trevor Murphy

I've only ever used Final Draft but I might check out Fade In based on this thread. FD is very easy to use and works quickly.

Stacy Gentile

I was using Final Draft up until a few days ago. For some reason it kept freezing and giving me non responsive errors taking up to 20 seconds to do a single letter. UGH. Switched over to Celtx as a qu...

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Martin Graham

I've been using Final Draft for about 6 years now and only had a few snags along the way. Mainly with the newest update. Like Stacy above me... I also had the freezing and closing down, which became f...

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Becca-Chris M

I like Celtx. And it's free.

Mike Stanford

Celtx is great I like the different project templates like Storyborading and Comic

Stevan Šerban
How did you become a screenwriter?

How did you discover that you have a talent for writing the screenplays and not poetry, short stories or novels?

Cynthia Hochhalter

I'm not sure I can call myself a writer if I'm not striving to be better.

Lisa Clemens

I'm never satisfied. It's why I like to go back over some early spec scripts I have, when I have time, and rework them to improve what I can. Having an experienced mentor who is sometimes tough on me and never seems satisfied either, has pushed me to demand better of myself as well.

Niksa Maric

Lisa Clemens, the method you're describing sounds good. You should go over your script a few times and improve it. Your mentor should tell or give you advice how to improve it but if you constantly ke...

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Lisa Clemens

No I don't obsess and go over it again and again. To be more clear, I have taken some of my early scripts from when I first started, looked them over (and usually thought- wow what was I thinking! I h...

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Stevan Šerban

Who is you favorite screenwriter?

Shawn Speake
The S32 / Happy Writers First Annual Feature Contest!

Screenwriters with a few years experience, attention! … Lets represent and show the new S32 creatives how we do! Who's entering the contest! And which script or scripts are you entering?

Shawn Speake

Final deadline is April 29, Sylvia. We got this!

Ross Munro

Just entered my script- good luck all!

Beth Fox Heisinger

Here's the information, Lisa. https://www.stage32.com/happy-writers/contests/3

Kevin Isaacson

I may have to do this one.

Beth Fox Heisinger

Lisa, if you look at the link there are tabs under the title "The Stage 32 Happy Writers Annual Feature Contest" near the middle/top. The tabs are: Contest Info; Rules; Judges; and Prizes. I don't kno...

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