Dave DeMaio's Lounge Discussions

Andres Ramirez
4k workflow station

Hello everyone! I've recently bought a brand new blackmagic cinema 4K camera. I'm looking to do some serious shooting and editing and test out the 4k waters. But I'm use to editing mostly 1080 kind of quality so I honestly don't know what to expect too much. Is the editing workflow any different? An...

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Mike Stivala

Andres - sorry I got back to this late. The answer is no because generally (in my experience) after all editing is done in ProRes and cut is locked - the timeline is "conformed" either in FCP or in a...

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Dave DeMaio

Quick input - consider your exhibition medium. Is 1080p really alll that bad? we all want to resolve in the highest resolution possible - but our playback medium may not resolve that high of resolutio...

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Andres Ramirez

I couldn't agree with you more Dave. Believe me, what you preach I completely side with. But from a technical stand point and one which would benefit my freelance services I want to be familiarized wi...

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Beth Brumley

Ooooo! That last comment caught my attention...Andres... SCARY!

Guy Bleyaert

4K raw is overkill, , 2.5 k raw is best workflow for me, collorgrade and master it, then downscale to cinema standard 2K, 4444 Proress and you have a good editable format. 4 k is just interesting for...

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Dave DeMaio
Hello from Newport Beach, I wanted to introduce myself - I 'm Dave DeMaio, a veteran producer.

I'm happy to find Stage 32 and share in this great resource. I've been capturing images of the "California Lifestyle" for over 25 years and have been working mostly in advertising and PR . Since Joining Stage 32 , I'm looking to connect with some other filmmakers and expand into shorts or even full...

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DJ Far

Dave, great to have you as a member of the community!

Dave DeMaio

Thanks for the warm welcome - I'm lookng forward to collaborating with as many of the community as possible - Its good to work with professionals and allow them to do what they do best. Cheers

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