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By Colin Guest

GENRE: Adventure

A pleasure flight for three friends ends in a terrifying plane crash on the mountaintop. It leads to a shocking discovery, resulting in Ian making a dash down to the town. In the nick of time, his warning prevents a major loss of life.


Three friends were happy and carefree as they enjoyed a sightseeing plane trip. Then, as they passed over the top of the mountain above their town down in the valley, disaster struck. Their light banter turned to gasps of horror when the cockpit screen suddenly became obscured by a mass of blood and feathers. They had flown into a gaggle of geese. With the engine blocked and the wings damaged, Ian, the pilot, lost control. He could do nothing as the plane plunged down towards the pine-covered mountaintop. Seeing they were heading straight towards the towns communication tower, Ian yelled out a warning. Although they missed it, a wing was ripped off as it hit a tree. The force sent the plane spinning sideways into another tree that smashed into the fuselage. The remains of the plane then crashed down and came to a rest on the ground. On regaining consciousness, Ian and Mark discovered that Jane who had been sat behind them was not on the plane. At the same time, a strong smell of kerosene made them realise the plane could explode at any minute. No sooner had they climbed out when it burst into flames. They found Jane, lying draped on top of some bushes, who although injured, had not suffered any life-threatening injuries. On their way down the mountain, they stopped for the night. While asleep, a bear came sniffing around. Its grunts woke Jane, who then woke Mark. On hearing Mark's yell of alarm, Ian who had been on guard and fallen asleep woke. As he advanced towards the bear with a burning branch and yelling at it, the bear slunk away into the forest. The next day, further down the mountain they made a startling discovery. A large lake had formed where there should have been a much smaller one. They realised that if the dam holding back the water broke, a tidal wave would descend on the town below. While Ian is running down to warn the inhabitants, he comes across Stan, camped on the side of the trail. On hearing about the dangerous situation, Stan lets Ian use his quad bike. Despite an encounter with a wolf and coming off the bike, Ian arrives in town. He goes straight to the Sheriff's office and informs John the town’s deputy sheriff. On hearing about the threat, John sets off the towns alarm siren. Once activated, most people heed the alarm and rush to higher ground. They were the lucky ones. A terrible roaring sound was heard, then a tidal wave of water, rocks and trees came crashing down the mountainside. What was once a gentle meandering creek, became a raging river of death and destruction. Although some people perished, thanks to Ian’s warning, most of the inhabitants of the town were saved.

Michael Dzurak

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