GENRE: Drama, Independent, Other, Thriller
James is a booksmart, fragile, quiet, non-violent kid who isnt really that popular. Often he is bullied but he chooses not to fight back, he just holds everything inside. Lured by a popular girl who fooled him into thinking she likes him, he is ambushed by classmates and humiliated. Beaten, spit on, bruised, and so far as electrically shocked for fun, after he runs away ashamed and traumatized. 8 yrs passed. He returns to his hometown where noone including his mother has seen him since he ran away. James is bigger, stronger, drove by revenge, his is very skilled and highly violent. One after one he picks off everyone that caused him the most horrific night of his life. And he's saving the best for last.
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Whoa! Ominous. working on it now