Hi everyone, I'm new at this network and I'm barely getting around it. I am about to graduate this semester on Digital Media Production, and I'm excited about meeting people that are in the business and being able to learn and grow on my career.
Hi everyone, I'm new at this network and I'm barely getting around it. I am about to graduate this semester on Digital Media Production, and I'm excited about meeting people that are in the business and being able to learn and grow on my career.
I was wondering if anybody knew about the united states press pass press pass membership and had any positive experiences using it?
Thx for your request and welcome to Stage 32. PEACE!
Any suggestions of specific locations or even general ideas?
440 Studios - - 440studios.com/ - - 440 Lafayette St. (betw Astor Pl. and East 4th St. & opposite the Public Theater). But make sure you sign out PROMPTLY. Even 3 minutes over, and you'll be billed for an hour.
Very helpful LindaAnn! Thanks!
check out the chill circle we hold auditions ince a week
Hi Mccarthy. I'm RB, Founder and CEO of Stage 32. As a screenwriter, producer, actor and filmmaker, I know first-hand the challenges all creatives face finding work, landing representation, launching projects, securing funding and simply making the connections that will make a difference in their careers. That's why I created Stage 32. Since our launch in September of 2011, the community has grown to 400,000+ members representing every country on the planet making Stage 32 the social network uniquely populated with the most creative people on Earth.
This is a network for you, built by you. Lik...
Expand postHi Mccarthy. I'm RB, Founder and CEO of Stage 32. As a screenwriter, producer, actor and filmmaker, I know first-hand the challenges all creatives face finding work, landing representation, launching projects, securing funding and simply making the connections that will make a difference in their careers. That's why I created Stage 32. Since our launch in September of 2011, the community has grown to 400,000+ members representing every country on the planet making Stage 32 the social network uniquely populated with the most creative people on Earth.
This is a network for you, built by you. Like most things in life, the more you participate, the greater the rewards. We ask all new members to pay it forward by inviting 5 fellow creatives to the network and by spreading the word of Stage 32 through other social media sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. The more creatives, the stronger the network. The stronger the network, the more opportunities.
Thanks for joining the movement and for being a part of this most talented and inspiring community. I very much look forward to your contributions.
Thanks, and have a creative day!
Helpful information:
Please take a moment to follow and like our other social media accounts.
Thank you for the invite
Thanks for joining us, Mccarthy! Great to have you here. Please spread the word where you can.
Hey Mccarthy, I'm the CTO and lead developer at Stage 32. Please let me know if you have any questions or feedback about the site. I'd love to hear your comments! To get started with Stage 32 and understand all the features and resources the site has to offer, please check out the Getting Started section and our FAQ.
Hi karla I know the feeling ive been bouncing around doing snsll things since 2009 im working on a reality tv show currently being held in nyc and by joininh this and other sites I am hopin to get the...
Expand commentHi karla I know the feeling ive been bouncing around doing snsll things since 2009 im working on a reality tv show currently being held in nyc and by joininh this and other sites I am hopin to get the perfect job,it takes dedication and hard work something im not a stranger to and I hope u are just as successful useHi Donald, the first ad below 1.) should be posted on your timeline. Then to those who like, comment or message you can send one of the 2 confirmation replies I pasted below the ad. Anyone who likes or comments you you should send a friend request if you are not already friends. Please post this to your timeline and anywhere else to recruit friends and new people. You can post in groups or send in personal messages to people, post on casting sites, craigslist post on a tree whatever. Those who attend will love it and soon your fan base will be huge, and at NYC's most popular live show. Keep track of all people you book in a Facebook group or on a list somewhere to contact them in the future. These people ARE your property and YOUR following, and you receive all profit from their attendance at the show upcoming and in the future. They are your fans and build your own Reality Show Character following. Like a cast of a great TV show you and your personality are a draw and will be rewarded as such. Market this as YOUR show not mine, because it is your show for your fans. Invite people to film you at the show exclusively or whatever you like and post to your page and followers. Initially you want to make sure you have @10 people attend the show so book 20-30 since many people flake and cancel. The days before the show send them a reminder or create an event named for example "CONFIRMATION/REMINDER Participant Check In for (Your Name)'s Reality Show at the Bitter End Tomorrow Friday May 10th 4pm" and invite all the people you booked and more. These are suggestions and what work for me. Obviously use or edit anyway you wish or create something completely different that you like. Any questions thoughts and insight let me know asap. :))) (617)699-1173 1.) REALITY SHOW PILOT NEEDS PARTICIPANTS TO "JUST BE YOURSELF" We need participants for a new reality show I am producing to be held Fridays 4pmbeginning April 10th at Greenwich Village's iconic venue The Bitter End. The show theme is about putting a group of people together for 2 hours and letting them interact spontaneously and completely unrehearsed and seeing where it goes. Think something like a reality show version of the movie "Breakfast Club" except with a larger group and in 2015! Participants are free to record video of any aspect of the show and to then post online, so bring your iPhones or camcorders. This is a reality show for the people by the people starring the people!! Open to participants of any background no theatrical experience necessary, just experience being yourself is perfect. Feel free to bring any friends 18+ or refer them to this ad. If interested and available please like or leave a comment and I will get back with a confirmation asap; or arrive on Fridays by 4pm at The Bitter End, 147 Bleecker St. NYC for general check-in. Please include any additional questions :)) 2.) Here are some REPLY templates. They are missing the participants name so you must type that in. The first is if you want to reply with a Private Message , the second I use when I want to let someone know they are confirmed by leaving a comment below the Facebook Post and I tag their name. Also here is a link to one of my posts to see how it looks in a Facebook group etc.. https://www.facebook.com/groups/NYCTheatreChat/10153250126787193/?notif_... 2a.) Hi , thank you for the interest in the reality show pilot "Just Be Yourself"! Your place is confirmed and reserved as a participant for Friday, April 10th at 4pm. The show will be held in the showroom of The Bitter End at 147 Bleecker St, New York, NY 10012 (212) 673-7030. Please check in and introduce yourself when you arrive. Please plan on being in the showroom from 4-6pm and just being yourself, talking with others if and when you wish. Generally the group will focus around some topic of discussion but wherever it goes is fine. Feel free to record any video of the show for your personal use or otherwise. If you have a good time we would love you to be a regular part of the show and will talk afterwards about the show's direction, schedule, and answer any questions etc.. Thank you very much, and look forward to meeting in person! Sincerely Will(617)858-6740 2b.) @(name of participant) Confirmed! Your name is on the list when you arrive