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While making a beer run four teenage party animals find themselves propelled into an apocalyptic nightmare; the end of the world has already happened!
While making a beer run four teenage party animals find themselves propelled into an apocalyptic nightmare when they inadvertently drive through a quantum vortex.
KEITH, a burly, black-haired, car freak; PHIL, a laid-back, easy going, underachiever; RENEE, a raven-haired wild child with an IQ of 193; and KENNY BOY, the weed fiend, stoner supreme quickly learn the party’s over when they are attacked by a hoard of shadow devils; vicious malformed little demons whose only purpose is to kill and eat any living thing left in the world.
After a brutal firefight they manage to outrun the demonic swarm. Relentlessly hunted by hoards of shadow devils they race through a cold dead world trying to keep one step ahead. Armed with guns taken from an abandoned armory but running out of gas they fight to stay alive.
Freaked out and struggling to survive they discover they went missing years earlier and were considered dead. They learn that archeologist discovered the actual Gates of Barathrum and opened them unleashing Hell on earth on Halloween Night, 2015.
Renee is the brains behind the bunch. She figures out that the weird incident earlier must have been a dimensional vortex and their only chance is to go through the vortex again. She rationalizes it will return them back to their time and make it all go away. They speculate the vortex opens every twelve hours.
Now all they have to do is survive twelve hours in hell and hope she's right.