Tim Lane: Screenwriter in Memphis, Tennessee.

Nancy Ahern
Best Screenwriting Software

Hello Fellow Screenwriters! What do you think is the best screenwriting software? Thanks for your feedback.

Pete Whiting

I use writerduet. Is it the best? who knows? But its not the software that gets you a deal! As long you find it user friendly and has the features you like then write.

Doug Nelson

These Zombie posts never die.

Benadict Kwamboka

I suggest you use writer duet.

Steven Harris Anzelowitz
What characteristic is most important to you in your screenplay?

There are many elements that make up a successful screenplay. Story, Structure, Character Development. What do you look to achieve when you're done and send in your $35 to US.gov for your copyright? On your marks. Get set. SHARE!

Steven Harris Anzelowitz

Anthony- Phew! Glad I finished my (3) copyrighted scripts on time at the old rate of $35. Now that it has gone to $55 I better just give up screenwriting and go back to being a telemarketer at Carnegi...

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Jenny Masterton

I don't think it's one, you have to get all of them right to some degree IMO

Robert J. Verlander

For me having a multi -layered protagonist with flaws to over come. Followed very closely by all the other elements. If your story is brilliant but your Protagonist is flat and shallow then it will ge...

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Tim Lane

Hey Jimmy, have you checked out Memphis' local screenwriter group: https://www.facebook.com/writeclubmemphis/?ref=bookmarks -tim

Johnny Melville

Hey Emine - thanks for the add!!!

Tim Lane

Alrighty then, we're connected. Now what?

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"
Are you a good storyteller? Perhaps even a great one?

I've been reading a lot of scripts lately. Some of that was performed in the capacity of contest judge. I've also looked at scripts for people seeking feedback, as well as reviewing famous scripts for my own edification. Based on my empirical experience, I've come to the conclusion that damn few peo...

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Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

Tony: A good succinct answer.

Craig D Griffiths

My brother has summed this up perfectly over a beer a few years ago. "You learn something from a great story. You learn about people, humanity or even about yourself. "

Andrew Martin Smith

Cheers Phillip - I will hunt it down. I have not seen it since I was a teenager - but it has always stuck in my mind as a great story. Cornel Wilde was an Interesting actor/writer/producer. He made a...

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Jean-Pierre Chapoteau
Writing a script about robberies.

What's a good motive to rob a bank/store? lol, I know how crazy that sounds but I'm stuck. At first I have an eviction hanging over my guy's head, but to risk your life and others just to save your home, in my opinion, isn't worth it. He's not old enough to have kids, and I had a sick mother who nee...

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Cheris Mooney

Having worked with many at risk youth, I can assure you they often don't need very much motivation to commit a crime. If it is something that they have become desensitized to, robbing a bank can becom...

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Peter VM

Adrenaline junky is a great motivation. Just the thrill of actually doing it.

Diana Murdock

Singularly nothing to me would make me go that way but make a downward domino effect and it might push me over the edge. Throw in a partner who nags, shredding my self esteem to nothing, the depressin...

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System Admin

Hey Linda, I'm the CTO and lead developer at Stage32.com. Please let me know if you have any questions or feedback about the site. I'd love to hear your comments!

Tim Lane

What kind of research do you like? Just curious.

Tim Lane

I know ... because I am male ... how easy it is to be sexist. Today a man can be by his woman’s side as she gives birth to their children. He can hold her hand. Give her ice chips. Help her with the focusing, the breathing, the pushing part, the not-pushing part. He can see his child enter this worl...

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CJ Walley

That's a tricky situation, Tim. I think you did the right thing not to complain.

Ian Lynch
Loglines: A Big Ol' Rant.

You don’t have to read all this. I just need to get this off my chest, because it’s driving me crazy. Either there’s a handful of people targeting me who don’t understand what loglines are, or I’m missing something right in front of my face, and I don’t understand what loglines are. Let me explain....

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Jean-Marie Mazaleyrat

Happy New Year!

Deryn Warren

It is fine but needs to go further. For example: “When a hard-partying rockstar is kicked out of his band due to a drug addiction, he (starts giving) GIVES guitar lessons to fund his habit AND DISCOVE...

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Annette Stewart-Colon

I find it very difficult to write a logline because, it's hard for me to sum the story up in a few lines.

Andrew Mondia
One Word About You

So I am asking fellow Stage 32'ers to share one word that describes you.. Mine is Unique.

James Patrick Brown


Bruce Davis


Lydea Torres

Funergetic....=fun energetic

Tim Lane

Tim Lane

Tim Lane

Tim Lane

Dorian Cole
How do you stay young and connected as a writer?

What do writers do to stay connected and relevant to younger generations as they age. I think everyone can relate to the human condition, but the issues of 20 somethings are not the same as 50 somethings. And are there really issues of style? How do people stay connected and relevant?

Dorian Cole

I can identify with that "observer" feeling, yet I'm also very involved. Odd disparity.

William Martell

Date women who are half my age... well, that's the plan at least. Hasn't worked so far.

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

William: A lofty goal.

Tim Lane

Mary Ellen Gavin

Love Tennessee--if you ever get up here, let me know. Would love to meet up. Mary Ellen

Tim Lane

you should check out the line up at: http://nashscreen.com/ It a great and intimate venue. I'm planning on being there.

Mary Ellen Gavin

Hey Tim, thank you for the tip. It looks great. Alas, L.A. is my second home and I lived there between 05 and 10 when the bottom fell out of Hollywood Studios producing anything but a world production...

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Hilary Moyo
Looking for a book about screenwriting.

Hi All, I recently read «MAKING A GOOD SCRIPT GREAT» by LINDA SEGER. It was brilliant and extremely helpful, only problem is that it was in a foreign language. Wondering if you could help me find an English version. Would really appreciate it. Thanks a million. Hil.

D Marcus

It is interesting reading all the varying responses on this thread. Most people read the title but not the question. Hilary was looking for an english language version of Linda Seger's book.

Dorine Lester

You need the screenwriter 's Bible written by David Trottier

JD Hartman

Zombie thread, lock them.

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