Beth "Bhadra" Barrows's Lounge Discussions

Richard "RB" Botto
Stallone goes Kickstarter

An investor falls out. Stallone and co. turn to the public to raise 250K

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Armando Alejandro

Crowd funding should be for the little guys...

Beth "Bhadra" Barrows

Why should crowd funding be just for the little guys? I disagree.

Beth "Bhadra" Barrows

Little guys can become big guys with time, patience and hard work. Opportunities are all around if a person is willing to perceive and seize them.

Armando Alejandro

I think priority should be for the up and coming folks.

Sean Patrick Burke

Since when did Kickstarter become a charity? It is a business. This industry is a business. If you want a hand out, get into another line of work. If you can't take the fact that other artists and people are utilizing resources like crowd funding, than I don't know what to tell you.

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