Synopsis : Thinking about the memory of a mysterious sentence which was pronounced many years ago by his aunt Martha, David decides to fly to Providence in o...
Psychological drama of 28mn. Written & directed by Emmanuel Duchez. Produced by Utopia Creation Mondial Films (indie). With Alain Frérot ("The Tenant", "L.627", "The Bill", "The Double Life of Veronique", "Valmont", "French Kiss", "La Vouivre"...) English synopsis : After a violent break-up with his bride Petra, Walter makes a nervous break-down. He is confined to a lunatic asylum in which he encounters frightening or mysterious people like Boric the sadistic male nurse and a puppeteer...
Official trailer PICK THE LIGHT : written, filmed, directed, edited by Emmanuel Duchez. Genre : religious live report. Synopsis : A creative documentary which was filmed during Christmas mass of 2007, in the church of the french village of La Chaussade, celebrated by Pierre Morin, a priest and a guitarist. A modern and philosophic vision of the religion, professed by an intellectual and musician priest who immortalizes the tradition of the humanist priests... Music of the trailer : HEIMATAERDE "Veni Veni Emmanuel" (extract). Produced by Utopia Creation Mondial Films (indie).
Gossip Blues : written, directed, edited by Emmanuel Duchez. Release date : march 2009. Genre : comedy video-clip. Duration : 6mn34 GOSSIP BLUES is SELECTED at the BAD THEATER FEST 2012 (New-York, USA) and will be screened on 22th october ! Yeahhh !!! International awards :3 Stars in England at BIAFF (Chesterfield,2009), 5th Best Fiction in France (Montauban,2009), selected in France (Nimes,2009). Synopsis français : dans la rue Georges Sand à Crozant (petit village du centre de la France)...
Liz Dheureuleveu (Version Norvégienne Surréaliste) : written, directed, edited by Emmanuel DUCHEZ. Release date : february 2010. Genre : experimental fiction. Duration : 02mn05 Original French Version International awards : Jury Award in France at the “Video Minute Festival” (Guéret, 2010). Récompenses aux festivals : Grand Prix du Jury en France au Festival "Vidéo Minute" (Guéret, 2010). Synopsis français : Rose des Ténèbres essaye de fixer cette satanée lettre O mais Jacob,...
Cigar Power : filmed, directed, edited by Emmanuel Duchez. Music composed and produced by Ahmed Tarek Bahgat Abaza. Release date : march 2011. Genre : Musical social drama fiction clip. Duration : 4mn01 Synopsis français : Une jeune femme fume le cigare nonchalamment, indifférente aux silhouettes qui passent au dehors comme des fantômes. Un jeune homme qui fume une cigarette entre dans la pièce et s’asseoit par terre, sous le regard méprisant de la femme qui continue à fumer son...
Aphasic Drivel and Musical Education : filmed, directed, edited by Emmanuel Duchez. Music composed and produced by Ahmed Tarek Bahgat Abaza. Release date : january 2011. Genre : Experimental fiction clip. Duration : 1mn47 Synopsis français : Un homme voyage, une jeune femme s’enfuit, mais tous deux sont épiés par une force maléfique et surnaturelle. Le filet sur eux va se resserrer inexorablement. Y a-t-il une échappatoire ? English synopsis : A man travels, a young woman flees, but...
Bastet : written, directed, edited by Emmanuel Duchez. Release date : august 2012. Genre : (soft) horror and thriller. Duration : 11mn59 Synopsis français : Ceci est l'histoire d'un jeune photograpphe français (Stéphane) qui, en développant les photos de mariage d'un célèbre professeur d'égyptologie, deviendra la victime de la malédiction de Bastet, déesse égyptienne de la mort... English Synopsis : This is the story of a young French photographer (Stéphane) who, while developing...
Gossip Blues : written, directed, edited by Emmanuel Duchez. Genre : Comedy video-clip. International awards :3 Stars in England at BIAFF (Chesterfield,2009), 5th Best Fiction in France (Montauban,2009), selected in France (Nimes,2009). Synopsis : In the street Georges Sand to Crozant (French village) the gossips make good progress. The most virulent of the gossips,so devout as deprived,sings her hatred to the sky. During this time,a musician of jazz plays the saxophone... Music : Music(extract):PATRICK VILLAIN ("Commère Blues") Produced by Utopia Creation Mondial Films (indie).
Lunatic Asylum : written, directed, edited by Emmanuel Duchez. Genre : Psychological drama and thriller. Synopsis : After a violent break-up with his fiancée Petra, Walter makes a nervous break-down. He is confined to a lunatic asylum in which he encounters frightening or mysterious people. Walter will try to escape through his mind... Music : SUICIDE COMMANDO (extracts of "Bleed for us all", "Kervorkian" & "See You in Hell"). Produced by Utopia Creation Mondial Films (indie).