Casey Butler's Lounge Discussions

Casey Butler

Can some please tell me where I can find good monologues to use

Suzanne Bronson

I take all my monolouges and scenes from plays. I suggest reading as many plays as you can. Do not use a scene book as everyone else does. When I find a scene that fits my age range I mark it for when I need it later.

Casey Butler

Chris I'm curious though what do you use then

Chris Connell

Scenes. In film/tv we audition using scenes they've assigned us from the material we're auditioning for.

Casey Butler

So no one uses monologue for tv/film

Chris Connell

No, not really.

Chris Connell
I booked Scorpion! :)

I booked the CBS show Scorpion! So stoked! :) Thanks for all the support from my friends here on Stage 32! :)

Anthony A Snow

Kill it Chris!

Randle Lynne Forcinel


Amanda Toney

So cool to be able to visit you on set, Chris! I can't wait to watch you on the show!

Christine Brillon

That's so exciting! I love Scorpion! Unfortunately I'm too young to be on it myself right now. xD You're gonna do GREAT!

Chris Connell

Thx all! This was me chillin in my trailer today till time to shoot. Had a great time on set with cast fooling around between takes. had a blast! thanks for all the support I'll keep you guys posted regarding an air date :)

Giovanni Ferlito

I am Giovanni Ferlito, Italian and New York adopted since 2002. I have been working freelance for the past 6 years with a variety of video projects, from corporate to music videos and film projects. I am looking for talented people to team up with to create unique compelling stories. Feel free to sa...

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Casey Butler

Hello and welcome

Seth Grant

Well to be honest I really just started using it as well. I created an account a while back, then got busy and did do any thing with it. I remembered about it just not too long ago. So now I'm trying it out as well.

Shawn Speake

Welcome to the club, G! I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for in the LOUNGES. Make sure you check out out all of them to see which ones you like the best. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions!

Richard "RB" Botto

Welcome to the network, Giovanni. As the guy running the show, I promise that you will not find a more selfless, talented and creative group anywhere in the world. As it is with most things in life, you get out what you put in, so be visible, active and get your networking shoes on!

Sam Inglese


Ruan Lotter
Realflow Tutorial - Attach Emitter To A Moving Object

Heya!! In my latest Realflow tutorial I show you how to attached your Realflow emitter to a moving object! Enjoy! And thanks for watching! r

James David Sullivan

"Tube Vs. Tube"

Casey Butler

Hey James thanks for contact

Casey Butler
Head shots

Hey I'm in the Philadelphia area want know does any one recommend any for head shots

Stage 32 Staff - Julie

I did a search in Connect and saw this still photographer near you in Doylestown:

Me me me me

I am the best contractor among the actor's . and best actor among the contractor's

Amanda Toney

Hey Hank, it would be great if you could tell us a little bit more about yourself and what you're looking to accomplish!

Hank Nae

o.k. u put the gun to my head so I tell u, I cam to the valley 25 yrs ago I met a friend, his girls was in the movies I show him a script I wrote base 20% on my experience as an officer in the Israeli...

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Hank Nae

ty but I can not sing , when I sing even the sky is crying and it become a hurricane

Casey Butler

Ty it feels good doing something u love and enjoy instead of doing something just because you have too

Hank Nae

ty Casey

Finally finding what I love

Hello everyone, let's see for the longest time the only thing I knew was work in the family business and that is a yard waste recycling plant. We receive wood waste and grind it into mulch. So I'm 27 years old my mom past when I was 18 years old in a traumatic car accident.. So it took me 9 years to...

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System Admin

Welcome to Stage 32, Casey! Love your attitude. That's definitely the way to make things happen. Keep an eye on the Jobs section ( to find acting gigs in your area an...

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Steve Hamm

Nice to meet you Casey. I know that feeling all too well.

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