There are only about 900 scripts produced in the English speaking world a year. Well, not including short scripts. About half of those are adaptations from established writers, and from what's left a lot are written by hyphenates (including writer directors.) Yet, on many screenwriting networks, there are over ten times that many people claiming to be screenwriters.
About one in three thousand screenplays that the studio reads may end up getting produced. Most scripts never even get read.
Screenwriting is one of the most competitive jobs in the world, more competitive than most professional athletes.
What I find strange is, despite the fact that there's ideally only one screenwriter per film (when there's more than one, it's someone messing with your work), about 1/4 to 1/2 or more of people on filmmaking networks want to be screenwriters. (Another puzzling phenomenon is the high number of film festival organisers.)
Now, for those of us who enjoy writing, as a passtime, perhaps it's not strange. But, those who have never written a script, who have no idea how to tell a story, and still want to pursue this rather than a less competitive avenue, (or more lucrative one) I'd like to know, why?
Or just make your own film!
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After watching A LOT of movies. I kept saying to myself, I could do so much better. So now I've decided to put my money where my mouth is.
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Big step! Lotsa courage! I started in film at 57.
Dan: I wish I had that kind of budget for my projects! I'm in post on a feature length film at the moment that doesn't even have 1% of that budget!
Dan if you have any left over.......