Screenwriter, poet and creative professional by day: freelance self-made superhero all the rest of my time! Lived and worked in film production and acting in Toronto, for sevenish years. Thyroid Cancer stopped me in my tracks... Moved up to Ottawa to be with family during treatment. Happy to report: no evidence of disease for 5 years running! Yay me!
Now? I polished up a screenplay that I roughed out in 2007 and I've got it registered and I've submitted it to a bunch of screenwriting contests.... My aim? Let the world know that I've got some pretty marketable skills and I can make funny happen fairly swiftly. I'm looking for a manager who can help me chart my career aspirations and help get me started on my professional writing career.
Half Empty, Half Full
Film (short)
by Gelareh Kiazand
University of Toronto
Sheridan College