Melissa Dawn Brown's Lounge Discussions

Melissa Dawn Brown
Introduce myself... right... I knew I forgot to do something :)

Hi. My name is Melissa Dawn Brown and I'm up in Ottawa pursuing a career as a writer and screenwriter. I sent a high concept comedy screenplay to ScriptXpert back in March and they gave me awesome feedback. So what did I do? I retooled it, further developed my characters and I sent it out to a whole...

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Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

MDB: Happy to see someone who shares my enthusiasm for writing scripts. I wish you the greatest success with the upcoming contests, which is a great way to test drive your work. Those are all good contests.

Melissa Dawn Brown
Can I put flashbacks with a more sombre note into a high concept comedy to help flesh out my lead?

Feedback from critique of my high concept comedy (emerging screenwriters contest): The reviewer reads like a female. Most of the two and a half pages of analysis is clear. I'm a little stumped with a comment that she made about tone. She referred to a 'brilliant' flashback scene that I used to expos...

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Debbie Croysdale

Hi I think this kind of flashback could serve the purpose of adding richer layers, and the audience can "feel" they have grown with the protagonist, as Melissa points out "Universal echoes". I would b...

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Preston Poulter

You do have to be careful about tone. Just as an example, if you take "Out of Africa" and insert a lighthearted comedy scene, it will be seen negatively because it just doesn't fit with the audiences emotions and expectations.

William Martell

1) Flashbacks move the story forward. 2) Beware of tonal shifts. 3) Watch comedy films with great characters and see how they did it... I can't think of any offhand with flashbacks.

Debbie Croysdale

@Oliver. Totally agree. Pondering too long on comments other people make on script wild cards, can kill a spontaneous stroke of genius that might have served to aid the visual story.

Melissa Dawn Brown

Thank you one and all. I need to remember that it was constructive feedback she gave me = 'stuff I done good' + things I could do better + lots to think about I'm no longer playing the 'I wanna be ......

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