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By Drew Wesley Peardon

GENRE: Historical, Animation, Biography

A trilogy of traditionally animated feature films, based on the lives of the three central figures of the Bahá’í Faith


None of the prophets are portrayed directly onscreen, nor are they directly heard, their dialogue mainly being conveyed by a blank screen with excerpts from their writings, written in both their original language (Persian and/or Arabic) and in English; likewise for anyone else from Bahá’í history with the depiction taboo. The main characters will be a fictional family that gets swept up in the Faith’s early history. All spoken dialogue will be in whatever language it was historically spoken in, mainly in Persian or Arabic. The sources for the films will be The Dawn-Breakers: Nabíl’s Narrative of the Early Days of the Bahá’í Revelation, God Passes By by Shoghi Effendi, and Bahá’u’lláh and the New Era by J. E. Esslemont.

  • The Gate: The life of the Báb
  • The Servant: The life of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’

The Glory: The life of Bahá'u'lláh

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