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A confident photography model faces a shattering odeal on route to a career change with merky undertones.
FEATURE FILM SYNOPSIS: Jean, A redhead Photography supermodel (32) reasonably success wants to enters a European based photography competition her application is submitted but goes missing she ask her photographer (Harry) what happened to the application he says he submitted it to the judges without any difficulties. She then opts to investigate the matter herself. Harry (36) has been lying to her and claims the judges now require new photos to be submitted. She confronts Harry at his studio, she discovers his is a loner and what a more unprofessional relationship with her. He threatens her more sexually originated behaviour. She is more focused on the importance of the competition to her career than the desire for an intimate relationship. This refusal forces Harry to work with a ravel model Shirley (30) equally attractive to her to rebuff her and fill his life with eye candy. She then sneezes around his studio in the evening to locate the missing pictures. She is forced to hide when Harry and Shirley have passionate encounters after more photo sessions together. After they are retrieved she submits them personally to the competition board with great approval. She also is driven knowing the plutonic relationship between Shirley and Harry. Harry gets imprisoned for sexual harassment and lying with intent, his relationship with Shirley breaks down. Shirley becomes the centre of Harry’s life. While in the studio she is raped by her replacement photographer, she then becomes determined to do the best she can at the event and prove that fashion photography is far less glamorous than she was lend to believe. She wins the competition.
looking for producer interest with this concept 85 pages and main story arch to go!