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By John D Clay

GENRE: Sci-fi

across the emptyness of space a single Human looks for answers.


TV Series / pilot in prep in parallel with Euroscript Science Fiction course.

John D Clay

Male protagonist finds female "being" a doppelganger of himself, can she provide him the answers he seeks.

John D Clay

CINEMATOGRAPHYJC This contract hereby attaches __________________________to the Production of “UnKnown' TV Pilot. and is proof of the service I commit to and conditions agreed to in terms of payment and other assets that CinematographyJC will provide on completed and delivery of the finished film and attached publicity. CREW ACTOR / ACTRESS JOHN ClAY Head of CinematographyJC © CinematographyJC 2016

John D Clay

After a systems failure (male protagonist) has to rebuild his female system and embarks of a journey of self discovery in the process. further developing of concept continuing.

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