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By John D Clay

GENRE: Film-noir
LOGLINE: A female investigator has to challenge her own position to find something more than the truth in a case with moral threats that go beyond the normal.


based on the Neo noir workshop by euroscript, looking to go for 90min feature examining the genre through homage and clear plot a structure approach.

John D Clay

looking between 1967 - 1974 the early period of neo noir and the strong socially commentary around the time.

John D Clay

working on backstory lost father and her child is missing (motive)

John D Clay

Opening - Ext. Street - Night

A figure, not 100% visable walks down a dim lit ally. Gemma, a cop mid to late 30, experienced in the bruality and dark aspects of her ocupation.

a flashback to her child, Harry, 8 - she hears voices her child's father early 30s a sicking crunch breaks the flashback

Q: is she being followed?

John D Clay

Themes such as:

The vulnerable or damaged investigator who is thrown into a situation way beyond his or her comprehension...

The self-destructive person who betrays themselves through addiction, gambling, or sexual obsession...

The malign organisation - corporations, politicians and police which are as corrupt as criminal groups, and need each other to prosper...

The fatal couple locked in a dysfunctional relationship, who go on a doomed spree (read an article about this intriguing subgenre here )

John D Clay

It's about taking the powerful themes embedded in these stories and making them relevant to contemporary audiences.

Themes that can elevate Thrillers (including those in genres such as Science Fiction) above basic Action-Adventures, and into something deeper, darker, and much more compelling.

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