Hi there! Most of you all already know me. I've been here for quite some time, and I've have been here to network as and actress, but also make connections with other actors/(ress), casting directors, producers and many more. My love for acting came about the second time I saw the movie the Labyrinth. (The first time, I was a little younger and actually thought the Goblin King was real) - David Bowie and Jennifer Connelly as well as Jim Henson really captured my imagination, took me places I thought was real and showed me what 'becoming a character' really was. I remember the day I first saw the 'Behind The Scenes' and saw that they were totally different people! I remember thinking how I wanted to do that same thing, bring to life a character that people can relate too, or could capture people's attention and them wanting more. It was hard, anyone can tell you that, getting into the acting business is hard if you don't have a substantial amount of money, or know someone that know someone. I wasn't able to take classes until 2014, but that didn't stop me from reading scenes, knowing lines, and bringing to life my own characters. Hard work is the best work, if you guys take nothing else from this, don't let anyone crush your dreams, or take them away. Don't fall for scams, and don't let anyone's envy/jealousy take away your passion of what you want. As of 2016, I've finally gotten my headshots, and I'm moving on up. I hope you guys enjoyed my little story, there will definitely be many more too come. Below, I have a couple of links, one to my fanpage, one to my twitter and another to my instagram - a lot of which will house my work and crazy pictures of my life, I'd appreciate it if you followed/liked - just so we can get more connected; if you guys have any, let me know! Thanks! Erin. http://tinyurl.com/zyyotoq - Facebook http://tinyurl.com/j3j657w - Twitter http://tinyurl.com/jnshy5u - Instagram