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When three women seek revenge on university classmates who victimized them with a deepfake video, they become targets of a deepfake kingpin in Hollywood and his mobster boss in Russia.
When LORI KUMAR (21) and her computer science class get interrupted by a poorly made deepfake video of her two best friends kissing, she knows who created it and vows revenge. TINA JACKSON (21) and CASSY NEWSOME (21) are barely recognizable in the grainy, pixelated video, and their left and right eyes reflect light differently – sure signs of a fake. The culprits across the classroom are STANLEY HOLCOMBE (21), MIGUEL LOPEZ (21), and WEI CHIN (21), who failed to grasp the “intelligence” part of the AI software.
Lori and her friends plot their revenge with a deepfake video of their own. However, Lori is a superior coder and taps into the university’s computer grid to master the open-source deepfake software incredibly fast. Their AI deepfake shows the three young men apologizing for their actions and asking for contributions to charities supporting victims of deepfake technology. The boys, on the defensive, can’t deny the video because it goes viral. It then draws unwanted attention from law enforcement and a deepfake kingpin in Hollywood. JACK (50s), mass produces poorer quality deepfakes of movie stars’ faces illegally superimposed on porn stars in action. He travels to Canada with two bodyguards, (IVAN (40) and HARRY (40)), to force the boys to retract their video. And Jack wants Lori’s superior code for making deepfakes. Lori’s mom, DETECTIVE KUMAR (40s), is oblivious to her daughter’s activities until their home suffers a well-orchestrated home invasion at the hands of Jack and his crew. The Detective is compelled to interrogate her daughter and her friends downtown.
As threats against them escalate, Lori and her friends explore the Dark Web to discover Jack works for a Russian mobster named ALEX (50s) who hacked a recording studio of thousands of demo tapes for illegal recording sales combined with deepfake videos. He commands Jack to blow up the studio to cover his tracks. The young women must work with the young men to get the photos necessary for a realistic deepfake video of Jack. In the video, Jack confesses all past legal indiscretions and turns the state’s evidence on Alex. The tape is so realistic that Jack is compelled to turn against Alex who has already put out a hit on him.
Working together brings the socially awkward young women and men together romantically. In an ending full of twists and turns, Lori and her friends help Detective Kumar capture Jack. Meanwhile, Lori makes Alex suffer for the illegal use of AI technology by infecting his computers with a deadly virus. All the while, Lori’s prowess in deepfake technology is being monitored by an Interpol Agent interested in hiring her team to identify and destroy deepfakes everywhere in the world. Their real troubles are just beginning.
When you include locations in your logline, they need to have a purpose to the script which yours does not, so try a new logline or delete the unnecessary words. Best
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Thanks, Marcos Fizzotti and Amazing Kacee -- Hollywood is a prime target for deepfake videos (replacing actors, singers, and the porn industry -- worth billions of dollars) and Russian AI cyberattacks could cost us even more. I wanted to draw specific attention to our greatest threats, but also to the fact that ordinary citizens are easily targeted. AI just put an AK-47 in everyone's hands. My film proposal is on my LinkedIn page, and my script is on Stage 32 and InkTip for more information.
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Thanks, Tasha Lewis
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You're welcome, Tom.
Thanks, Jane Tumminello.