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When neighbors descend like vultures after a rancher is found dead, his immigrant wife proves that a woman alone isn’t a target; she’s a threat!
NORA KARLSSON (early-30s), an attractive, strong-willed immigrant is planting tree seedlings on a remote ranch when she hears the gunshot in the valley below. She runs two miles to find her drunkard husband LIAM (50s) dead of an apparent suicide. However, ruggedly handsome SHERIFF GLENN (30s) arrives to find no powder burns on Liam’s head, and a troubled marriage incriminates Nora who must wear an ankle monitor under house arrest. This makes Nora a sitting target for three disgruntled neighbors who also face foreclosure if Nora doesn’t sell the oil and gas rights for the pipeline to their upper valley ranches. Big CY WATSON (45) and his father “GRAMPS” (70), own two of the ranches. DAX GILLIAM (50) a wimpy mixed-ethnicity college professor, owns the other. To make matters worse, Nora’s self-serving banker/divorce attorney, RONNY HARRISON (60), has strong ties to the oil company. Nora, a die-hard environmentalist, is all alone.
Nora is befriended by SARAH TREMAIN (30s), the curvy town gossip, who sells home security devices including doorbell-cams, household alarms, stun guns, Tasers, and every firearm imaginable. Sarah reminds Nora that, “a woman alone isn’t a target; she’s a threat!” Nora enthusiastically buys a doorbell-cam and reluctantly buys a stun gun from Sarah. But Nora remains out-gunned by her neighbors who hope she defaults on the mortgage or dies so that Chemco Inc. can step in and buy her ranch and make them all oil barons.
Nora has difficulty teaching herself martial art moves to fend off the potential killer on the loose, but luckily, the new doorbell-cam connected to her smartphone works. When Cy comes after her, Nora sends him to the porch with a lucky kick before she jolts him with the stun gun. Dax takes a different tact and shows up with a bottle of wine, where he reveals a past of sexual misconduct, but no conviction. When they sort through Liam’s receipts, they see suspicious patterns of Liam’s infidelity emerging, bringing Dax and Nora closer. Later, when Gramps comes to the door with a shotgun to plead his case, he ends up dying from a stun gun, with Nora being the primary suspect again.
After a series of threatening events from a grief-stricken Cy, a lovelorn Dax, and a darkly twisted Sarah, Nora shifts from self-defense to offense. She’s determined to solve the homicides. She confronts Ronny, Sarah, and Cy before a showdown with Cy and Dax in a remote corner of the ranch where she’s planting tree seedlings. With a twist at the end, Nora uses her wits and the Sheriff’s help to trap Dax as the vicious murderer.
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Thanks, Jeff!
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Thanks, Evelyn.
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Thanks, Nathan!
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Love this- SUPER: “They tried to bury us; they didn’t know we were
seeds.”-- Mexican Proverb
Thanks, Thomas! ... and everyone.... Much needed feedback!