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When heavily armed, ultra-patriotic Americans try to take back a new Indian Reservation, it's up to a gritty Cheyenne chief and her resourceful professor husband to defeat them. [Part 2 of a film trilogy or TV mini-series]
The year is 2018. The western third of Colorado is a large new Indian Reservation, designated by Congress after historical documents prove fraudulent. The fledgling nation within a nation is led by a two elders, G. STANDS TALL, and ROBERT LA POUDRE, and young SILVER WHITEHORSE, who are all political targets.
Terminally unemployed white refugees grow tired of living in Citizen Displacement Camps outside the Reservation, and a groundswell of patriotic resistance is born. A handsome, charismatic 26-year-old, JIMMY NEWMAN establishes THE NEW SONS OF LIBERTY, with a modern Tea Party-like movement and hateful blogs escalate anti-Indian sentiment. Greedy, western business interests seize the opportunity and enlist a mercenary, cult-like recruiter, and self-proclaimed “Colonel” TRAVIS KEY to crumble the Reservation by assassinating its tribunal. Violent retribution at the hands of the Indians will void the treaty and return the land to Colorado and the United States.
To mend a strained marriage, Silver, her shy professor husband, WES POWELL, and their five-year old boy, KIT, accept tickets for a high-class horseback trial ride with wealthy friends, a movie star (HAMILTON HUGHES), pop diva (ANGEL GARCIA), and a U.S. Senator, among others.
Violence escalates outside and inside the Reservation. La Poudre is assassinated, Stands Tall’s house is bombed, and now, Silver is targeted as the third head of the snake. She is being hunted down in the wilderness by well-armed mercenaries. It’s a Wilderness cat and mouse chase, complete with reestablished populations of gray wolves and grizzly bears, as the revolutionary New Sons of Liberty attack from the east and a small band of Ute Indians attack from the south seek to crush the occupied nation within a nation.
There’s a showdown in the ghost town of Ashcroft, pitting bows and brains against automatic rifles and brawn. Are the New Sons of Liberty called freedom-fighters or terrorists? Aren’t we, the United States, always the good guys? If so, this might be a story where the good guys lose!