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In 1874 the "Far West" is the rugged and isolated Washington Territory. A young sheriff's deputy eager to escape his famous father's shadow, runs away to the Olympic Peninsula where he falls into the shadowy and savage world of logger barons, crimps, whores and wild men.
The main story line of the show follows Jacob Miller, who is just arriving on the Olympic Peninsula. Jacob is trying to run from his past and escape his father's shadow of expectations and disapproval. His father is a famous sheriff in the old west, John Hicks Adams. After a series of brutal injuries at his father's hand Jacob flees to the 'Far West' under his mother's maiden name to escape his father and start a life on his own.
Renewal, rebirth, rebuilding, are all broad themes that are shared by all of the character groups in the beginning of season one. Also we will watch the characters and progress with them through struggle, conflict, loss, and finally, resolutions.
The young Native American man, Chuka, is sent on a journey to discover his calling. For him it is a time of discovery and change, of growth and rebirth. He finds the strength within himself that he has been searching for, and struggles to use it to help his people in their changing situation with the encroaching State. With his wise and peace minded grandfather he struggles to reconcile the ways of his people with his changing environment. His people are torn by tradition and the urge to survive and protect themselves from the pressures of the white civilization and their enemies.
Then there is Port Crescent, the glorified logging camp struggling to become a boom town. Port Angeles to the west is it's biggest rival, and the race to become the new territorial seat promises to be an epic battle between the greedy logger barons that run the small port towns. The boom town that never booms, the seedy territorial port town with a chip on it's shoulder, determined to makes it's mark on history no matter what the cost. It's a perfect canvas for all manners of colorful characters and dynamic conflicts. The railroad is barreling forward( as seen in Hell on Wheels) and the founders of Port Crescent are banking heavily on the railroad stopping at their Port, therefor establishing it as a major city in the eminent State. But what if they don't come?
There is the "crimp"( Shanghaiing or Crimping refers to the practice of kidnapping people to serve as sailors by coercive techniques such as trickery, intimidation, or violence. Those engaged in this form of kidnapping were known as crimps) Buster Kelly who steals men for sailing ship captains as unwilling workers. And the Madame, Frankie, who helps him but also takes her own fair share. A Marshal struggling to keep the peace balances the law and the people's own sense of justice. But who is really bad and who is really good? Everything is up for grabs and nothing seems to be too much when it comes to getting on top in this rugged and isolated place. All the characters and stories are inspired by real people, places, and events from the history of the Pacific Northwest.