Kaos Moon: Into the Burning Circle is an occult collectible card game. A long time ago, the mountains of Siberia were ruled by clans of powerful Shamans. Thr...
Fantastic fan-video which gives a great overview of the SKY GODZ animated series concept created by the FASIRIUS. You can also watch the videos in French (na...
SKY GODZ Q&A: Answering some of the most asked questions like "When is the show coming out?", "Where can I see the show?", "Have you seen aliens?" and many m...
SKY GODZ VLOG 11: Finally a new update on what's been going on with the SKY GODZ animated series. Talking about business, story and art and show lots of pics...
Short action-packed animated TV-Spot created for the Swiss real-life gaming company Adventure Arena. Animation created with an Opentoonz/After Effects combo....
Alien autopsy, anyone?
Short animated teaser of the SKY GODZ scifi anime series logline
Nice lttle animated GIF for your entertainment...
Very first teaser for the upcoming sci-fi anime series SKY GODZ. 430'000 years ago the three Anunnaki siblings, Enki, Nin and Enlil were sent to earth to fin...
First GIF for the upcoming teaser trailer of the SKY GODZ TV-series