Angela Haddon's Lounge Discussions

Angela Haddon
My name is Angela. I'm a Writer & Illustrator from Brisbane :)

Hi everyone, I'm a writer, graphic designer & illustrator from Brisbane, Australia. I signed up a few years ago to Stage32, realised I had a LOT of work to do, and went to Toronto for a while to get my stuff together. I'm now back in Brisbane and keen to throw myself into a creative career! Eventual...

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Stage 32 Staff - Julie

Angela - I can certainly say that we're glad you came back to Stage 32 from a few years ago, a lot has changed here, huh? ; ) I took a look at your work and your illustrations are fantastic. You someh...

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Michal Rolkowski

I've planned to film in Brisbane. Regards to all Aussies.

Angela Haddon

Thanks so much for your kind words and support, Julie! Stage32 has definitely changed since I last checked - it's looking fantastic.

Angela Haddon

Hi back at ya, Michal :)

Angela Haddon

Thanks, Kathryn :)

Chanel Ashley
American sniper - true or false?

Saw American Sniper, excellent production values and enjoyed the movie - Bradley Cooper perfect choice for the lead - my complaint, yes, another one, is whether it is acceptable to play with the "facts" considering this is based on "real life" - Chris Kyle wrote his autobiography and the movie is ba...

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Chanel Ashley

That was a pretty good article, Chris, can't say I disagree.

Chanel Ashley

I think you may have jumped to a few conclusions, LindaAnn - I would never expect 100% truth, not anywhere near it and as a writer appreciate where and why one must make changes to "enhance" the telli...

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Angela Haddon

I read a smart, insightful article about Chris Kyle, 'truth' and storytelling by Michael McCaffrey the other day - thought-provoking stuff

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Chanel Ashley

I read the article, Angela, found it really interesting, thank you for bringing it to our attention.

Angela Haddon

My pleasure - thanks for the interesting thread!

Tom Batha
Worst Movies of All Time

I love bad movies. I can't get enough of them. Mindless dialogue, heavy symbolism, terrible acting...which all adds up to about two hours of bliss for me. And by bad movies I don't mean those that were intentionally made to be bad (in order to be "funny"). I'm talking about movies that were intended...

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Angela Haddon

So much Van Damme crazy-eye!

Francis LaLonde

Best worst (watchable): Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter. Worst worst (totally unwatchable): Dragon Wars

Francis LaLonde

LOL - just for laughs and giggles, here, I present: My Rotten Tomatoes 'review' of Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter: ...Like one person at a movie review site summed up: Jesus Christ...with VAMPIRES! This...

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David Levy

Catwoman, Daredevil, Hunk,

Debbie Elicksen

Her. Those are two hours of my life I can never get back.

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