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By Irene Starlone

GENRE: Adventure, Animation, Family

A hummingbird goes on an unexpected journey to find a cure for his sick sister.


When a tornado carries HENRY HUMMING and his two friends, JAY JAY and STELLA FINCH, far from their nests, they face many obstacles trying to get back home to their families. To add to the struggle, Henry is on a mission to find all the ingredients for a CURE that may save his sick sister, HANNA HUMMING.

Along the way, Henry and his friends make many allies. EMMETT, a kind hearted senior citizen bird, SARA, a yellow canary with an interesting past, the fun loving VINNIE and VICTORIA vulture birds from the Grand Canyon, and the one and only BRITNEY SPARROW who they join in song and dance. BUT they also make some enemies. SLADE, an angry eagle who wants revenge on Henry after being humiliated in a flight fight. Slade finds out about the cure Henry seeks and enlists the help of some EVIL FALCONS to stop Henry's return home and get the cure for his own personal gain. On top of all that, they have a run in with the greedy MOB BOSS of vultures!

The road home is not easy but the friends they make along the way help them when they find themselves in the middle of an EAGLE and FALCON attack. Henry, Jay Jay and Stella fly back home to their families. Henry gives Hanna the cure and she HEALS!

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