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By Layla O'Shea

GENRE: Comedy, Drama, Romance
LOGLINE: While battling his nemisis co-worker, a gleefully vulgar homeless man tries to open Stan's eyes to happiness before his last chance fades away.


THE INVISIBLE NOOSE by Layla O’Shea STANLEY HIGGINS makes it his mission in life to never be late. He is obsessed with time. He was even born October Ninth, Twelve Instantly, Midnight Exactly. 43 years later Stan’s life is ruled by the clock. In fact, he wears several watches, and you can find a clock in every room of his home. He is never late to the bus, never late to work, never late to anything. His co-worker, BRIAN O’NEIL, mocks and resents him. Stan’s punctual life is interrupted by a HOMELESS MAN, “GUY”, who waits by the bus bench wearing a dirty overcoat with a miniature airplane pin lapel, and by the lovely bus driver, RITA: the woman he secretly dreams about. Stan has only been late once in his life. It was the night his wife Sharon died on the way to his boss, FRANK O’NEIL’s home. Stan hasn’t gotten over her death and doesn’t know how to move on. Stan tolerates Guy, who badgers Stan to ask Rita out, bring her Tulips, and move on with his life, all while being quite creative with the newspaper he reads each day. “It’s all just a matter of time,” he insists. Rita has her own grief to deal with; her husband died in an airplane crash, and she and her daughter, SAMANTHA, have been all alone since. Rita likes Stan until she realizes all he cares about is being on time - even at the risk of others. At work Stan is frantic when he can’t find an important file which Frank needs immediately. He just knows Brian must have taken it. He storms into Brian’s office. After a heated search and verbal battle with Brian, he finds the files hidden, just as he suspected. He plans to rat Brian out to Frank, but due to circumstances, he has to wait. Frank announces that Stan is receiving a plaque for perfect attendance and never being late in 15 years. It will, of course, be handed out at 9 am sharp. After Stan has a nightmare about missing his wife’s funeral, he wakes up in a sweat - late. In utter panic he dashes to catch the bus before it’s too late, but Guy has other plans: he trips Stan, who falls face first into the muddy sludge at the side of the road. Suit in ruins, he realizes he is going to be late for the second time in his life. At 9:38 Stan lumbers into the office to find Frank and all his co-workers holding vigil by his desk. He braces for the worst, but instead finds himself being applauded. Stan realizes his world wouldn’t end after all. His world still intact, Stan finally finds the courage to ask Rita out on a date. He is startled to learn that Rita’s daughter was dating Brian. Rita lets it slip that Brian is thinking of quitting his job, not being able to live up to his father’s expectations. Having new insight, Stan talks Frank into letting Brian handle a major account on his own. Stan arrives early for his date with Rita, tulips in hand. She blushes, how did he know tulips are her favorite? Stan picks up a picture of her deceased husband; he looks very familiar. After closer inspection, he recognizes her husband as the Homeless Guy. Rita, bewildered, believes her husband came back as an angel. A year later Rita and Stan are married; Frank reminds him not to rush back from the honeymoon. As they pull away, Stan catches a glimpse of Homeless Guy watching them as they officially begin their new life together. It was, indeed, just a matter of time. 2011 10th Annual FilmMakers International Screenplay Competition - Quarterfinalist 2011 PAGE Awards - Advanced (Top 25%)


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