This is something common I guess but I am afraid of doing sex scenes and I feel uncomfortable with showing my body naked. Moreover, I would not know how to tell my parents that I did a film with sex scenes. You know, I will always be there baby and pure and innocent... So how do you overcome this fe...
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Four (4) year old zombie thread guys......
So let me get this straight. Your Dad can deal with you killing someone but making love to someone on screen he can't? I understand as a father that would be a bitter pill to swallow but damn! I notic...
Expand commentSo let me get this straight. Your Dad can deal with you killing someone but making love to someone on screen he can't? I understand as a father that would be a bitter pill to swallow but damn! I notice folks have no problems with violence but if you do a movie with sex and nudity it's like you started World War III. Sigh.
1 person likes this a professional shoot, you should know from the breakdown that there's nudity and/or a sex scene. If that's not for you, then you shouldn't submit or audition, and your agent should make sure s...
Expand a professional shoot, you should know from the breakdown that there's nudity and/or a sex scene. If that's not for you, then you shouldn't submit or audition, and your agent should make sure she knows your comfort level. You are required to be told before your first audition if you're union. If you're not, it's still the professional thing, and no director should ever be like "So today, it's your nude scene!" when you show up to the set, without your far prior knowledge. I always put it in the breakdown, actors know before they even submit to be considered, we talk about it in the first interview, there's a nudity rider for their deal memo, etc. There's no question about the specifics, and they know pretty much what's going on before I even meet them the first time.
There are tons of roles that have nudity, there are tons of roles that don't. Do what you're comfortable with, and don't worry about it.
and wow this post is freakin' old... ;)
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Exactly! No one is forcing the actors to be nude. If there's nudity it's usually listed in the casting call. If you don't want to do nude, don't audition for the role.
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Instead of asking the question " should I do nudity scenes?" Ask you're self this question "what roles am I unsuitable for and what roles would I be suitable for? Now as you list them out you will see...
Expand commentInstead of asking the question " should I do nudity scenes?" Ask you're self this question "what roles am I unsuitable for and what roles would I be suitable for? Now as you list them out you will see that there may be many roles you are not suited for, and of course you will see there are also many that you are not suited for. My list might touch on my fear of heights, snakes, and my inability to pronounce certain words. Now when considering a part I would consider how much into my uncomfortable zone would I have to go, and whether there was any room for negotiation. I guess what I'm saying is that we all have places where we do not want to go. If nudity is yours, and you are not comfortable with it, and you can't negotiate changes, move on, there are plenty of roles to apply for that don't involve taking your clothes off.