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By Matt Toronto

GENRE: Action, Comedy

An elite assassin is hired to kill her clueless best friend, who might also be the love her life. As she grapples with her conscience and her own unspoken feelings, they are forced to team up and run for their lives, or face down a danger ring of international hitmen who operate under the cover of a deadly "dating app."


Ryan and Dillon are best friends and nothing more. Or so they say. But when Dillon discovers a dating app called Hit or Miss on Ryan’s phone he gets jealous. So jealous that he uses his formidable computer skills to hack into the app where he discovers a lengthy list of lovers. But just as he confronts her about her secret love life… SHE PULLS A GUN! You see, Hit or Miss isn’t a dating app at all. Ryan actually has a secret life as a professional assassin and has just been matched, make that hired, to kill Dillon. More than that, if she fails to take Dillon out she automatically becomes a target herself. As Dillon pleads for his life and for their love, Ryan can’t bring herself to pull the trigger. With some Jason-Bourne quickness, Ryan and Dillon go on the run, barely escaping a barrage of bullets from one of Ryan’s colleagues, already assigned to slay them both.

With imminent death at every turn, Ryan initiates the comically underprepared Dillon into the underground world of Hit or Miss. As she scraps and improvises to outsmart hitmen and keep them alive, Dillon bombards her with constant criticisms about her double life and incessant questions about her feelings for him. But as Ryan takes down a roided-out rival, she is injured and Dillon is forced to step up and patch her up. In the intimacy of the moment - and hopped up on painkillers - Ryan reveals a hint of the pain she felt after she and Dillon slept together in college. When he blew it off as nothing but “fun between friends” she decided to up and join the marines - the first step on her path toward hit-womanhood. Despite Dillon’s efforts to make amends, Ryan shuts him down claiming that love is a luxury she can’t afford.

Still in danger, Dillon hacks back into Hit or Miss. He discovers that Ryan’s initial assignment to kill Dillon wasn’t because of some jealous husband as they had suspected. It seems that The Ghost – the designer of Hit or Miss – traced Dillon’s original hack back to him. Not only that, yet another hit has been initiated for each of them. But this time, an unprecedented four assassins have been matched to them, including The Artist, the world’s greatest living assassin! Their predicament sets off a heated argument that ends in Dillon’s desperate attempt to rekindle their relationship with a -sort of- marriage proposal. Ryan rejects him outright – “I never loved you. I just felt sorry for you.” She promptly abandons Dillon with a shitload of unresolved feelings in order to find The Ghost and take down Hit or Miss at the source. But shortly after Ryan leaves, Dillon notices a peculiar signal originating from the app Hit or Miss… The Ghost wants to be found. It’s a trap! Though he’s terrified of violence, Dillon realizes, not only would he die for Ryan… he would kill for her too. He loads up the pistol she left him and takes off on a rescue mission.

By the time Dillon arrives Ryan is already pinned down by the three assassins along with The Artist – a legend in his own mind – and The Ghost, a cowardly gamer who hides behind his online identity. Ryan and Dillon start working as a team for the first time. They begin picking off their would-be executioners one by one. And it looks like they might come out on top until The Artist exploits Ryan’s soft spot for Dillon, and gets the upper hand. Selflessly, Dillon dives in front of a bullet meant for Ryan, saving her life but allowing the injured Artist to escape with The Ghost in tow. Devastated at the prospect of losing him, Ryan bargains with the lifeless Dillon, finally admitting her love for him and accepting his proposal on the condition that he stay alive. After an agonizing silence filled with nothing but Ryan’s tears… Dillon comes to. With a sneaky grin he asks her where they should spend their honeymoon.

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