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After an SS officer's family is accidentally sent to Treblinka, he must save them before the commandant dismantles the camp and kills all inmates.
The Final Solution written By: Jerel Damon & Sallie Olson & Rutger Oosterhoff
An earlier version of TFS, written by Jerel Damon & Rutger Oosterhoff is copyrighted under reg. number:U.S. Copyright Office reg. nr. : PAu 4-002-849
The Story:
ACT 1 Rumbula forest. Germans are shooting Jewish people in front of a mass grave.
Berlin. Eleonore (30’s), the wife of German army officer Baldewin Brandt (30’s), is packing clothes for herself and her two sons, Alvie (11) and Berrin (7). They will take the train to Posen to meet her husband, who gets promoted to an SS- Obersturmbannführer.
Posen, The husband has a conversation with another SS officer about Operation Reinhard and the Chelmo Killing Centers. The railways helping the progress in death camps of millions of Jews into Poland, speeding up the "Aryanization". The liquidation of the Jewish ghettos is on schedule.
Berlin train station. After much confusion, Eleonore and her two sons board the train.
Shortly into the trip, she notices the yellow stars of David on all the passengers, Jews. She remains faithful that she will be sorted out, relying on her husband’s rank in the German army and who is expecting her. A Jew tells the young woman that they are headed east for work on the trains, tricked into going to death camps. She comforts her sons with chocolates.
Shots of the train passing through Germany and into Poland. All passengers are speculating what awaits them.
ACT 2 Treblinka Train Station. When chucking into the station. The officer’s wife sees this station has been crumbling, not shiny, weeds and rust. Dread sets in -- she is in the wrong place. Fury from the SS officers begins when Jews get off the trains, shouting, beating, and shooting.
Eleonore pleads with the guarding officers she is the wife of a German officer and an honest to Aryan German, proving it with an Aryan passport. She makes a desperate attempt by showing that her boys are not circumcised.
Officers escort the young woman and her sons out into the middle of the yard, surrounded by Jews. She is told to undress and then undress her sons, they are embarrassed, sobbing. The officers laugh at this cruelty and she disappears with her sons into the crowd.
Eleonore is split from her sons who are escorted to the Hospital: a place where Jews who are labeled useless eaters are shot through the head in front of a burning mass grave.
Berrin gets killed, but the Jewish doctor tells Alvie when asked for his profession by the SS, he must lie and say he is a bricklayer. When they ask him his age, he must lie and say he is thirteen.
Alvie is saved and housed in the men’s barracks of the ghetto, the Jewish part of what is called “The Living Camp”. Worker Jews - being part of one of the Sonderkomando’s - are beginning to commit suicide to avoid the gas chambers.
Baldewin worries why his family did not make it to this promotion party. He discovers that his wife took the wrong train and ended up in a death camp. He hatches a plan to rescue his family.
Franz Stangl (35), the camp commandant, and a sadistic SS officer -- shoots any Jew for sport.
Heinrich Himmler has a tour of the Treblinka. At the death camp part - Camp 2 - he sees the pits of black and blue corpses. He orders the cremation of the bodies and SS man Herbert Floss - known as "The Artist" - is put in charge of the burnings. The black smoke from the burning Jews can be seen from miles away, day and night, for months.
Franz, begins to believe the young woman and her story. She becomes a love interest to him until he can further figure out a plan. She has sex with him to survive. He knows the death camp's existence is a state secret but is compelled to help her. He cannot decide on whether to kill a wartime hero's wife.
A decision is made when Himmler hears of the uninvited Nazi guest, he orders Franz through phone to kill the family members; nobody must ever know that there was an undivided Nazi family in Treblinka. And the family can certainly not survive their ordeal and testify later at a war tribunal about what happened in the death camp.
Baldewin arrives at the camp and is invited to the luxurious villa of Franz. He sees his wife sleeping on his bed and becomes enraged. He is then stripped of his German uniform and imprisoned in the camp.
Later, in the Barracks, it becomes clear that the boy Baldewin shot in the Rumbula forest massacre, was the son of his camp made, Hassan. Hassan, who fled the gruesome scene when his family was killed. Now both are forever connected through their guild. Baldewin slowly becomes a trusted member of the committee that organizes the revolt. They can use a man that has served - as they think - in the Russian army.
ACT 3 August 2, 1943, A grenade blows up in the middle of the ghetto; the signal for the revolt. Chaos, fires, running, shooting, a swastika is set on fire, a sense of pride and anger.
Jews get over barb-wired fences, run through the minefield, and into the Polish forest.
From the Brandt family, only Alvie makes it to the forest.
Franz is hanged after being judged guilty for "mass-murder and war crimes against humanity".
Years later, we see Alvie with his family -- on the terrace enjoying ice-cream – in front of a cafe in Jerusalem, Israel
Research material:
(1) "Treblinka" by Jean-Francois Steiner
(2) "Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka; The Operation Reinhard Death Camps" by Yitzhak Arad
Production companies:
Film Produkcja (?)
CohenMediaGroup (?)
2-Team Productions (?)
Baldewin: ?
Eleonore: Amber Heard?
Franz: Stangl?
Kurt Franz: ?
Naomi: Noa Cohen (rumored)
Hassan: ?
Lydia: ?
Larissa Kohl?(good option)
Dasha Dauenhauer (preferred)
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Thanks people!
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Thanks for rating Sarahfina. Contact you for "Kleiner Mann": for the Facebook war/holocaust group Simon and I are setting up.
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Thanks Sarah!
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Thanks Kakha, appreciate it!
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Read the script. Engrossing to the end..
Thanks Nick, took us 6 years to get it this far.
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