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By Lynanda ODell

GENRE: Documentary

This is an expose' highlighting and delving into the lives, teachings, and exploits of metaphysical practitioners living within The Cassadaga Spiritual Camp in Cassadaga, Florida as we document the lives and accounts of lost, sickened, and traumatized Human souls entering this camp seeking closure, comfort, answers, and guidance.... 


This show focuses on spirituality, victimization, and miracles as much as it does on the establishing, honing, and maintenance of applicable real-life/real-time neuro-cognitive self-defense and survival skills for living within a world abound within opportunistic, mentally-ill, masquerading societal predators....

We spotlight and explore both genuine AND disingenuous Spiritual practitioners throughout our seasons: Exposing the various methods employed and manipulated to secure the specific character's desired end-result as the audience is made privy to the vicissitudes experienced within an elsewise coveted sub-cultural Spiritual World composed of authenticity AND convincingly specious facades. As well, TRUE healers, psychics, and medians vs. poseurs, con-artists, entertainingly eccentric nut-jobs, and po-faced cajoling villains.

Our viewers will find it compelling and engaging because Cassadga is in fact a " real-life " place where the mystery and wonder of the metaphysical/Spiritual World is constantly in contention with and opposed by the adamic-nature, prepossesions, Human-Ego, and general base-natured basic-instincts of Mankind.... The reality and challenges of Dualism, Humanism, the requital of Mankind, and the pro-active desire to see, create and become a better version of one's self-- are each emotive focuses and themes throughout the course of our " Journey Thru Enlightenment "....

So do, please, come. Join us (within our goal to showcase the tactics used by predatory manipulators operating under the guise of Spirituality and Heightened Enlightenment) as we teach of how to pick one's self back up and constructively journey on in Life AFTER personal failure, calamity, life altering medical diagnosis, depression, folly, rejection, disappointment, self-loathing, and self-abuse: As we rationally delineate and discern fact from fiction. Truth from deception. And come to better understand, appreciate, and utilize TRUE wisdom, knowledge, and spirituality...from that which is beguilingly to the contrary, at The Cassadga Spiritual Camp in Cassadga, Florida....

Season One introduces Lynanda (one of our primary characters) : A displaced, emotionally-broken, 47-yr.old Caucasian woman recently diagnosed as being terminally-ill with Liver-Disease whom is also afflicted with and suffering from D.I.D ( Dissociative Identity Disorder ) and has recently been exonerated and released from prison after a life-altering, un-apologetic case of mistaken identity by Law-Enforcement....

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