I appreciate you connecting with me.
Hi! Please visit my Updated Website with new samples and other stuff! have a nice day! www.danielbuhr.se
This site is a fantastic tool for connecting with talented people and I've been neglecting it. I really need to work on that!
Hey Jackie, nice to meet you. Well, electronically speaking.
Hi Please visit my Brand new WebPage! Share it if you like! www.danielbuhr.se Have a nice day!
You're from Antigo? I lived in Elcho as a kid. Antigo was the BIG city!
Thanks for connecting! Let me know if you ever need a hand with anything. I'm ACing a reality series for VH1 in La Crosse right now and it has been pretty crazy, but I'll be back in the Milwaukee area in a few weeks.
Hey, my pleasure. Believe me, I understand crazy. Hope it's going well and it's good to have your info. If you have time when you return maybe we can catch up when you return.
Hello we are a team of two italian professional composers based in Rome. We offer our collaboration for composing soundtracks for your projects....my name is Emiliano and can you contact me at e.imondi@wavecraftproject.com If you want hear some examples of our work go to our website www.wavecraftpro...
Expand postHello we are a team of two italian professional composers based in Rome. We offer our collaboration for composing soundtracks for your projects....my name is Emiliano and can you contact me at e.imondi@wavecraftproject.com If you want hear some examples of our work go to our website www.wavecraftproject.com Thanks
Hey Daniel, I'll keep your contact info as we push projects along. We have a few things in pre-production right now so it may be later in the year but I'll let you know as things progress. Thanks, Glen Popple
sounds nice ....!
Hi there! My name is Daniel Buhr and iam a ambition and serious composer living in Sweden,and who want establish a network with people in the film/media business all around the world. For the last year I have try to establish connection and tried to write as much music as possible to learn and devel...
Expand postHi there! My name is Daniel Buhr and iam a ambition and serious composer living in Sweden,and who want establish a network with people in the film/media business all around the world. For the last year I have try to establish connection and tried to write as much music as possible to learn and develop my music in any types of film and genre's .... So if you are in need of my service please feel free to give me a call or drop me a email for further contact. I could write music for your feature film,short,documentary,information film,commercial and other costume write songs. Please visit my website for more information and listen to some works that I've done. I really hope we get in touch and work together sometime,otherwise i wish you luck with all your project and thank your taking the time and read this. Sincerely , db-Music Daniel Buhr www.danielbuhr.net +46736412825 dbcompositor@gmail.com Skype: danielcompositor
Got 15-seconds? We have organized a Film Festival with the lowest possible barriers to participation. You might find it fun to enter or perhaps help us spread the word. Very easy to enter; strictly non-profit. No fees or stuffy rules. $16,000 of prizes. http://ffsecff.wix.com/1 Lowell...
Expand postGot 15-seconds? We have organized a Film Festival with the lowest possible barriers to participation. You might find it fun to enter or perhaps help us spread the word. Very easy to enter; strictly non-profit. No fees or stuffy rules. $16,000 of prizes. http://ffsecff.wix.com/1 Lowell
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The pleasure is all mine. I appreciate you getting in touch. I really need to be networking on here more, it's a great community! Hope you had a good weekend.