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*Synopsis:Weekly Docu-Reality Educational TV Program takes the viewers inside theDiscovery of the true prehistoric sea dragons dated from the Ordovicianperiod; 480 million years ago. Each week will feature a different selectedcity to display Seazoria Dragons, physical and biological remains,excavation findings, science developments through interactive displays.Here is your front row seat to the Discovery, Excavation and Reconstructionof the World’s First True Large Scale Prehistoric Sea Dragon.Seazoria Dragon Excavation Movie. Come See What a Real Dragon Looks Like. Hallettestoneion Seazoria Dragon Discovery represents an entirely newera of Advanced Prehistoric Biology, predate the land dinosaur era. Seazoriadragons are not preserved like land dinosaurs, therefore expert knowledgemust be obtained hands on and in the field.Watch as the history books are rewritten right before your very eyes.Watch as history and science unfolds each week, as the HallettestoneionResearch Team gets closer to the excavation and reconstruction of theWorld’s First True Large Scale Prehistoric Sea Dragon.Seazoria Dragons are the oldest and largest form of advanced biological lifeever discovered anywhere on earth. This is the Dragon Era!! EXCLUSIVE INSIDFR VIEWER ACCESS A DETAILED AND INDEPTH AND PHOTOGRAPHIC CONVERSATION WITH DISCOVERER, MIKE HALLETT 45 Page Slideshare Presentation (Click Image) Global Seazoria Dragons Discovery: Hosted By Mike Hallett