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By Chad Descoteaux

GENRE: Sci-fi

A group of superheroes become suspicious of their most powerful member after something he says during a poker game doesn't add up.


ZEKE SULLIVAN is a 20-something man-child who is on probation after being framed for drug possession.  He spends his nights sneaking out of his house, fighting crime in a black costume, calling himself ‘Wombat’.  During one of his community service gigs, an elderly man tells Zeke of a “golden age” when superheroes were hired by the government.  But when a superhero named TOWANDA was paralyzed in the line of duty, the government cracked down on vigilantes.  Now, there's a new crop of superheroes breaking the law by making the city safer.  A businessman named NATE CALDWELL is running for Mayor on the platform of ridding Hammer City of vigilantes.

Wombat fights crime with a crowbar and detective skills, kind of a poor man’s Batman.  He discovers that a series of robberies, affecting factories owned by Nate Caldwell, might be connected.  One evening, he intrudes on a card game being played by a few superheroes at a bar.  The other superheroes scoff at him because they actually have super human powers and he's just a man in a mask. 

MAGMA MAN is the city’s most powerful superhero.  He hides his identity as a reporter named Todd Clark, under a pair of thick glasses and only other superheroes recognize him, despite his having a large moustache.  His coworker/girlfriend KELLY QUINN doesn’t even know who he is. 

During a card game, when all the city’s superheroes are talking about their lives and women, Magma Man says something that best friends SPEED CHICKEN and CAMBIO know to be untrue.  They wonder why Magma Man would lie.  To protect them?  They become suspicious and investigate Magma Man’s claims.  Their investigation crosses with the misfit, outcast superhero named Wombat.

Zeke/Wombat plays chess with Towanda, now a bitter, sarcastic, wheelchair-bound former author, as part of his community service.  She tells him about the night she was paralyzed, which was the same night Nate Caldwell found Magma Man in his crashed spaceship when he was a child, later finding him a home.  Wombat sees the sword Towanda used to slay the dragon that paralyzed her.  Realizing that this dragon came from the same planet as Magma Man, Wombat knows this sword may be the only ‘leg-up’ he would have if Magma Man was really up to something. 

Speed Chicken’s secret alter ego Jerry Tork spends his days working at a shipping warehouse, flirting with a coworker named TALIA and mouthing off to the boss.  Meanwhile, working together at night creates problems for his long-time friendship with Cambio.  Jerry is very proud of his superhuman speed and brags about it all the time, even to the point of belittling Cambio’s (meager) shape-shifting abilities, hurting his feelings.

Speed Chicken and Cambio discover that Nate Caldwell has been ‘stealing’ powerful tech from his own company and making it look like robberies.  He builds a laser drill and plans to steal a lucrative mineral from the core of planet Neptune.  This would destroy the planet and kill millions of aliens, but since Magma Man’s home planet was destroyed by Neptunians, he helps Nate in this genocide.  Cambio and Speed Chicken leave Wombat in the dark, because they don’t trust him, but Wombat figures out what is going on himself.  After Magma Man kills Nate for an attempt to weaken him, Wombat battles Magma Man with Towanda’s sword and decapitates him.  The other two heroes dismantle the drill as it hovers above the Earth on a satellite.  During the attempt, Speed Chicken apologizes for teasing Cambio about his powers and reaffirms how much he cares for his old friend. 

After proving his valor, Wombat is now embraced by his fellow super heroes.  His probation is lifted and he is able to attend his sister Talia’s college graduation.  Zeke is surprised to find that his sister is now dating her coworker, Jerry “Speed Chicken” Tork.  Realizing that Jerry is keeping his superhero identity a secret from her (for now) and being a protective older brother, Zeke doesn’t like this one bit. 

Kelly Quinn writes a sad farewell to her fellow news reporter Todd Clark, who she secretly knew was Magma Man.  We see that she is pregnant with the child of Magma Man, the world’s first alien super villain.


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Tasha Lewis

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Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Chad. In the logline, I would include what the superheroes do after they become suspicious.

Chad Descoteaux

Maurice. Thank you for your suggestion. I did include a different detail that I think improves it.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Chad Descoteaux.

Maybe something like this for the logline: "After a group of superheroes becomes suspicious of its most powerful member, they investigate him, uncovering a secret plan that will destroy Neptune and kill millions of aliens."

The secret plan is Nate building a laser drill to steal a lucrative mineral from the core of Neptune.

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