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By Elizabeth Chavez

GENRE: Other

Simon is a simple man with a non complicated life. He has one aunt who is his closes living relative, and one friend. But one day Simon comes upon a mysterious box, while keeping him company at night he goes through his day living a life that he knows will get better.


Simon, Aunt Minni, and the best friend Cameron

Bring life to Smons life.



Meet Simon


He had one cup of coffee, during his lunch break. Blended perfect, roasted perfect, or so he warned the cute girl serving him. ” DAMN GOOD!” and as he walked out the back door he ran into a brown box.

Simon: Damn good coffee, I hate Mondays ,

Waitress: Sir you forgot your change, three dollars.

( she's pleasant but nervous)

Simon : Thank you , looks like it might be a good day

( they both smile ) Waitress leaves

So while Simon was looking out the window he notices a strange looking box out side on the benches. He sits and stares for a few minutes then gets up

Simon: Hey you look interesting....

( while checking out the box)

Simons co worker: hey Simon what's up, is this your box?

He pauses for a minute gets up quickly and answers with a stutter

Simon: uhh, yeah I mean no found it checking it out looks foreign I think.

Simons co worker: look theres an arrow on it, interesting, ( chewing his granola) you should check it you know make sure there is no explosives or nothing.

Simon: well if no ones gonna take it then ill just keep it , you know make sure if anyone ask for it they can find it, hope it fits in my locker , alight man call you later.

I looked around saw all the cars parked waited for someone to come running in maby some kid forgot a bag or some guy forgot his wifes present or god forbid a mother who left her kid in the car forgot he box. But no one came, so i tucked it in my bag ” ill give it to security. Simon walked ahead and walked around went to the bathroom and went back to the locker area. I tucked it in my side bag and left it at that. Work was 7 45 to 6 pm, he always took the third day off for personal reasons. .......

Act 2:

Simon is at home , returned from a long day, he's anxious and obnoxious

Simon: home finally, damn box

( walks in puts down his papers, places the box on the tabel

Simon: So let's see what's on , um nothing, golf, boring, news seen it, cartoon , well if I was legally insane and this was the county hospital what do you think?

( sipping his beer and looking at the mysterious box)

Simon: Ok oh commercial we ll wait ...i can tell your going to be a hell of a lot of fun go ahead make your self at home. Mash is on next and then 30 rock.

I starred what if i opened it and it had something weird, don’t know but i waited till morning nothing special but its not like i had anything else to do or anyone else who might open it before me.

Act 3 :

The diner

Simon: Hey bud get me a Pepsi and a slice of pizza.

Bending over to tie his shoe

Ms Junno walked in ordering

Simon : Hi, ms Junno how was your day?

Ms Junno: hi Simon, same good how is your you know I haven't seen you in two weeks, is something wrong?

Simon: No been busy but ill be seeing you this week I assure you

Ms Junno: ok , oh well got to go Simon see you at the office

As I was eating my kettle korn I was thinking about my box

Simon: ( on the phone) Ok Cameron lets meet sometime this week, uh man nothing Just hanging out bout to go to the office but hey let me call you later my Aunt is on the phone.

Cameron : ( on the phone) alright man talk to you then

Simon then hangs up checking out the tv

Talking to the server,

Simon : yeah I'm going to the game you?

Serve: yeah front row seats baby....( laughing)

While looking down at his beeper he saw he had a message on his phone, it was from his Aunt Harriet, MUST CALL IMPORTANT

Walking out he had his leftovers and his plans for his development and headed to the office.

Act 5

Emergency meeting with Junno the counselor

Junno : yes , I think that's a great idea well let me give you a call later.

( hanging up the phone and then , it ring quickly again)

Junno: hello, don't hang up hello?

( On the phone)

Simon: hi I need to set up an appointment are you free today? It's really important

Junno : let me see my calendar, Simon right? Looks like you were here just last Monday what's wrong ?

Smon : it's something look I can't talk over the phone I have a business meeting tomorrow morning and I need to get this off my shoulder today? I'll pay double

Junno: that wont be necessary, ok I have a couple hours free can you Make it in by 2 pm?

Simon : yes

Junno: ok see you then.

At Junnos office

Junno: hi Simon come in, so what's going today? How's work?

Simon: my aunt came by and we talked for a while.

Junno: that's good, was it good or bad?

Simon: good you know but she had told me she was worried about me, made me worry about me too,

Junno: how's the back how long has it been since you last worked?

Simon: 1 year and 6 months.

Junno: and Cameron, how's that going?

Simon: fine he's had asked for a favor about putting this project together with him and some investors and I'd said I'd do it,

Junno: ok so what's wrong ?

Simon: I found this box near my work, I took it

Junno : did you keep it?

Simon: yes

Junno : were is it?

Simon: at home, it's nothing bad but it's just been bothering me for a while, it just sits there. At night when I come home it's still there, I don't expect it to leave but ....I don't know what do you think?

Junno: Well it's not your box, and there nothing wrong with staring at it at night but you don't want to get out of control about it so just move it periodically to different locations. Ok?

good well times up see you next time

Simon: bye

Act 6

( a few weeks later )

Simon: yeah I'm about to go Ingrid, make sure to lock up the doors, by the way did you see my keys?

Ingrid: no mr Simon,

Simon ok wait , found them thanks Ingrid bye

( phone rings)

Simon : hello, yeah ill be there in ten minutes

( walking out, numbs into another executive)

Simon : hi glad I caught you , we should have those proposals ready by next week.

Executive: great you guys are a good team how long you've know Cameron?

Simon: since we were in boys camp.

Awkwardly walking out......

Simon: Awww I'm home did you miss me?

( staring st his box)

Smon: is that a yes, it better be , so Hun how was your day?

( grabbing a beer from fridge and sits next to his box)

Simon: I see you did the dishes your a peach

Act 7


So ive decided to meet my mystery box person.....


Yes still listening busy drawing estimates.

Simon: by the way dont put in a port o potty in the back office

Cameron: ok.... so finished what you talking about?

Simon: nothing, hey i got to go early but um lets talk later.

(Back at Simons place)

Simon comes walking in around 2 am

Simon: uh this shit sucks, so what were is my orange?

( picking his orange)

Simon: nice and juicy were is my wallet shit!

( picking through his pockets when out comes a bottle of pills)

Simon: fuck, hey Mrs Junno you sure no how to keep the party going.

( reading the pill label)

Simon: lets see, "for pain use twice daily eat with food." ( pausing) sure Mrs Junno whatever you say.

Simon: Hey Mrs Junno you think this would make Camerons project look even better? ( laughing , and choking on his orange)

(Simon passes out)

Act 8

( in the Morning after)

Simon, wakes up to find his orange peels on the floor and his pills on his stomach

Simon: nice night, what is that? I smell like a orange

( getting up )

Simon: were is my toothbrush, too early to play hide and seek. lets see, nope not here, and nope not here. ok , oh there it is my buddy.

(making it to the bed)

Simon: im forgetting something, wait.....there it is, my handy brush got to look smooth for the ladies.

( phone rings)

Simon: hello ?

Dan: hi how you been old man?

Simon: um who is this?

Dan: its dan from college?

Simon: oh ok yeah good how have you been?

Dan: good hey i was wondering im coming through town and need a tour guide?

Simon: Tour guide, im sure there is people who you can pay to do that

Dan: yeah but i thought you might be free and we can catch up on some old times?

Simon: sure, ok lets meet up and just call when your in town.

Dan great see you then

( Simon hangs up the phone)

Simon: now im a tour guide, and i cant believe i agreed to do this , like i havent talked to this guy in forever, and the fact that he is gay just rubs me the wrong way. but oh well.

( leaves and heads towards office)

( in the dinner)

Simon sits reading his newspaper, while checking his messages

( Simon on the phone)

Simon: hello, cameron hey just got your message

Cameron: hey buddy good news i just got 50,000 in the bank!

Simon: what! how ?

Cameron: well i took our project to some investors and they loved it so were in got it good to go. just left the bank an hour ago!

Simon: wow! cool man good job, hey ill be there in ten minutes

( hangs up the phone, and pays his bill , leaves)

Act 9:

( in the office)

Simon: so tell me how you got this investor ?

Cameron: well i went through some old friends of mine you know the one wet i use to do trades with, well i called them and we talked.

Simon: ok and they just agreed to do it?

Cameron: yes and you know one of the guys Jerry, right he's son is a retarted and when i told him this building would be used for the disabled he jumped all over it.

Simon: Sweet, so cool now all we have to do is get city approval.

( simon gets up to check mail)

Simon: hey look a letter from the city

Cameron: whats its say?

Simon : were good to go , lucky day huh? we have approve!

Cameron : Well thats luck.

( simon and cameron work all day in the office)

( Simon on his way home)

Simon: hi can i get a bowl of rice and sweet chicken three egg rolls and a coke?

restaurant worker: is that for here or to go?

Simon: to go , and some soy sauce

Restaurant worker: ok and well be right up

( Simon fiddling through his papers waiting for his order)

Restaurant worker: ok here you go and that will be $ 40.00

Simon: what? $ 40.00 , fine here and is there three egg rolls?

Restaurant worker: yes three look here

Simon: thank-you

( leaves with his food)

( Simon makes his way home)

Simon: oh ok, my food and were is my box?

( looking around )

Simon: its not like it could go far, boxy were are you?

( he keeps looking around)

Simon: there you are, wait how'd you get over here i was sure i left you in the bedroom?

Simon: who could have it been, no one comes in here? Aliens? monsters? ghost? a thief come on a box could not just move by its self.

( simon sits down on his couch with his Chinese food )

Simon: ok well if your a thief, ghost, alien or whatever get out of my house and don't come back.

( looks around and smiles)

Act 10:

Simon picks up Ingrid for there final date

Simon: Hello, hi shit cant think ok so I don't think she'll notice the difference.

( The phone rings, and its Ingrid)

Simon: Ok ill be there in 30 minutes cant wait either bye

( He gets off the car and scurry up to the door running ten minutes late)

( Doorbell rings)

Simon: Hi

Ingrid: Hi your late , but that's ok

( Simon smiles and puts on the flower on her hand)

Ingrid: wow ( laughing) cute, well are you ready?

Simon: yes

( he leads her out to the car and they head to the restraunt)

( as they get out he leads her to the restraint were he has the waiter sit them near the window)

Simon: Here id thought you might like the view.

Ingrid: Yes I've pass by here a few times. so what is it about this place that you like?

Simon: I like that's its close I've lived up the street for years, me and my buddy Cameron come here sometimes to celebrate.

Ingrid : nice, so what do you suggest

Simon: The clan soup is good, um what do you like I've never been good at this?

Ingrid: ( sighs) um im a chicken girl my self what do you think chicken and pasta or chicken and potatoes?

Simon: ( while looking at the menu) Ill get what you get

( while they order and finish the meal )

Ingrid: ( looking at her watch) Ive had fun, this is fun so do you like poetry?

Simon: sure why

Ingrid: I know this great club downtown and would like to show you they have a thing next week

Simon: nect week? ok ( signals for the waitress to come with the check)

( as there at the door and Simon is paying he sees Cameron walking in with another woman and decks out)

( They drive up and walk to the door)

Simon: I had fun, your different ( leans in to kiss her)

( they kiss and he walks toward the car)

( she turns away bites her bottom lip with a modest but curious expression)

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