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By Enola Gay

GENRE: Documentary

I've got something beyond Ralph Nader, who-ever attempts publishing could become another "unknown Julian Assange". Surely you 'grok' he's merely the one that got away. It's scary and "working on it" alone very long one waxes suicidal. 

The FACTS are clear & presently harming ALL - - Robbery by means of extortion & torture, right now.


Beyond accidentally "Reverse Engineering" the "Follow the Money" end of US Managed Death Care?


I'm not in this to make $$$, only TO MAKE CHANGE, it's too big to tackle alone. What research I've verified is only the tip of a lethal iceberg. Should a "Story Happen" that might be some fossil Hacker struggling to understand More Civilized "Supporters" (e.g. Social workers, CPA/Accountants, health care workers) as they perform a "Forensic Audit" to discover...

WHERE these billions of dollars go --> to WHO & HOW an entire populace is literally being robbed to death.

It'll take sharper brains than meh to "Plot" how anyone in US can escape this hostage SET UP. I grok only this dynamic may be GLOBAL, and good ole 'Mer'Qua Furst Leads in the area of "Egregious Exploitation of Suffering".

I cannot tell "The story" openly - - Don't have my Affairs in Order, only son I'll not leave "with a mess". Or potentially endangered. Though I'll GRATEFULLY submit the "Iceberg Tip" Open Source, Free as in Beer like the Linux Kernel... Pretty sure Mr. Assange is like The Highlander. There's "No Country for Old Women" per asylum - I'll take the fall, but myself alone.

Input from OUTSIDE the US will be vital - never mind I have the social/marketting skills of an Aardvark.

Nathaniel Baker

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